Ordinary Language Essentials of Clinical Psychoanalytic Theory
(adapted from George Klein, 1976 or others as noted)
Wynn Schwartz
- Character or personality, whether normal, healthy or
pathological, is to a great extent the result of conflict, i.e., the
resolution of incompatible intentions or dispositions. Crisis and
dilemma are inescapable and are the expected and necessary conditions
for normal maturation. Neuroses and personality disorders are the ways
this process can go wrong. Growth or maturation involves the
incompatibility of old and new demands, crisis, impasse, and
resolution. (In therapy, the analyst recognizes this as “the crunch”
(Paul Russell), or the testing of boundaries; in the transference as a
representation of old dilemmas and new opportunities.)
- The ability to tolerate and enjoy sexuality, aggression,
conflict, separation and being alone develops in a parental “holding
environment” understood in terms of the key parental figure’s
availability, intrusion, reliability, and empathy (Donald Winnicott and
Heinz Kohut). (In therapy the analyst creates a safe place in her
attempts to remain neutral, empathic, reliable and available while
providing tolerable frustration and disappointment.)
- The necessity of resolving conflict, and the fact of conflict
itself, implies a need for integration at all life stages. People
generally desire (and our actions require) a sense of coherence. We
want our abilities and dispositions to result in self-understandable
actions. The self is the referent of this sense of coherence,
continuity and integrity at every stage of life. (The goals of
psychoanalytic interpretation include the provision of clarity where
before there was something obscure and establishing the coherence of
the past as manifested in current actions and patterns of life. Where
appropriate the analyst attributes to the actor agency in bringing
about the analyzed state of affairs. The analyst is especially
interested in transforming unconscious intentional actions into
potential cognizant actions thereby enhancing the domain of deliberate
action and the real world).
- Some sense of coherence is maintained from the actor’s point of
view. People take it that things are as they seem unless they have
reason to think otherwise. And when a person is called upon to do
something he can’t do he will instead do something that he can do
(Peter Ossorio). Psychological defenses maintain coherence but at the
cost of personal freedom. Defenses clarify actions and the world
through restrictions in behavior potential.
(The analyst must supply from the analysand’s history and associations
the reasons that things might not be as they seem to the analysand. The
analyst respects the requirement for coherence by interpreting and
redescribing tactfully and close to the analysand’s current awareness.)
- There are two major components of self hood: the assertion of
personal autonomy and the need for being an integrated and desired part
of a larger more encompassing entity or social unit. Selves require
autonomy, family and community and this creates inevitable conflict.
(The analyst recognizes the analysand’s struggles for autonomy and
dependency and fosters and analyzes both given the inter-dependent
nature of the therapeutic relationship).
- The experience of pleasure and anxiety are central in the
development of self-identity and in structuring motives. Pleasure and
anxiety are two fundamental and contrasting feelings generated by
encounters with people, events and objects. Anxiety is informative of
estrangement, denoting threat or conflict; pleasure is informative of
accord and well-being, of people, events and objects acquiring values
of approachability and desirability. Anxiety motivates avoidance,
pleasure motivates contact. The competent achievement of hedonic,
prudent, ethical and esthetic aims is pleasurable. Helplessness or the
expectation of incompetence is experienced as anxiety (or as depressive
- Defensively, coherence is maintained and unmanageable anxiety is
avoided by repression and dissociation. During any developmental period
a person’s capacity to bear the incoherence and anxiety of trauma,
urge, or fantasy is limited. Overwhelming environmental trauma may
result in dissociation and overwhelming fantasy or urge may result in
repression. (In the treatment situation the analyst attempts to foster
a sense of safety in which fantasy, memory or urge is tolerable and can
be examined.)
- Attempts at the mastery of passively endured experience may be
accomplished through active reversals (Jane Loevinger). “What I have
experienced as being done to me, I must make happen (repeatedly).”
Repression, dissociation, and active reversal are equally basic modes
of confronting and resolving conflict, impasse and crisis. (The analyst
recognizes the power of the “repetition compulsion” in the analysand’s
motivation for returning to an issue again and again if it is to be
“worked through”.)
- The internalization ( or personalization) of interpersonal
relationships is accomplished through active reversals, dissociation,
and repression. Repression and dissociation create introjects,i.e.
dystonic anomalous experience with confusions of agency, whereas active
reversals may establish identifications, resulting in behaviors
recognized as self initiated. (The analyst’s stance of neutrality,
abstinence, and acts of empathic confrontation, redescription and
interpretation promotes self-observation, and qualities of delay and
toleration as identifications available to the analysand.)
- When in crisis, people tend toward regressive repetition. Crises
are the occasion for the activation and enactment of earlier prototypes
of conflict, pleasure and proven resolutions. Growth involves
repetition. (The analyst expects and welcomes the analysand’s
transference neurosis as a response to the ordeal of the treatment
situation and as an opportunity to work through earlier fixations,
symptoms, and character formations. The analyst recognizes that she
represents both old and new ways of life)
- Autonomy grows out of successful dependency at it’s own rate.
(Analysts allow and foster an inter-dependent relationship and
recognize that analysis takes as long as it takes, which is to say, a
long time. Analysis begins with the recognition of an open ended
process and ends with the recognition that it could go on forever.
Analyst and analysand grow older together.)
- Maturation and the development of personal characteristics
involves relationships moving from the dyadic to the triangular.
Identifications start with a significant dyadic attachment and develop
with an appreciation of the significant other’s attachments. The
development of non constitutional personal characteristics can be
understood in terms of fixations, regressions, and resolutions that
developed in reference to dyadic and triangular dilemmas and