525 W. 45TH ST.

NEW YORK, NY 10036

212 582-4710

Table of Contents


Intro cont. What I was doing was a graphic representation of how the video might look projected in a gallery... a sculpture. A Belgian magazine (Addicts) reproduced the web contact sheet of this series and quoted me as saying I was trying to put space between myself and events in the old fashioned way by actually rendering a physical space between between myself and the video and that it probably true. I also like the color, the way the smoke cloud against the blue sky made it seem like a hand-tinted 19th century postcard. "The Big Conflagration" or some such. Also I was trying to cool the imagery to point where I could live with it but still commemorate the event. Handling the emotional content of the pictures related to something I politely call "Andy Mannerism" which is a term I coined a few years ago to described the principle Flasher Dasher graphic print style with dealing with tragedy in art. These pieces I see as being directly linked in sensibility to Warhol's Marilyns, Car Crashes and Suicides.

MORE - on Fabrication


September 911s

Self Portaiture

Personae Television






The very first one was made from video a shot in Venice in the summer of 2001 at a Vanessa Beecroft performance at the Peggy Guggenheim Museum.



© 2004 Douglas Ward Kelley "All rights are reserved etc., etc...."