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The Shape of Things to Come
Vol. 0, Issue 7 & 8 Data Set Analysis

Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis
Interpretation and Predictions for 2010/2011

Maybe some of you have heard of The Web Bot Project, but for those
of you who have not, it's quite intriguing.

Dear friends of the Douglas Kelley Show List and some of my Facebook friends,

Usually most of what I write is funny, generally lighthearted. However this will be one of those. But I thought it might be appropriate to begin with a quote from an anonymous Hopi Nation Elder?  Because this is serious.

"You (and I) have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour. Now you must go back and tell the people that this is the Hour. And there are things to be considered: Where are you living? What are you doing? What are your relationships? Are you in right relation? Where is your water? Know your garden. It is time to speak your Truth. Create your community. Be good to each other. And do not look outside yourself for the leader. This could be a good time! There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold onto the shore. They will feel they are being torn apart and they will suffer greatly. Know the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open and our heads above the water. See who is in there with you and celebrate. At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally. Least of all, ourselves. For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt. The time of the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves! Banish the word struggle from your attitude and your vocabulary. All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration. We are the ones we've been waiting for."

I don’t know how many of you are aware of Clif High and a service that he provides called the web bot. I really discovered him after that the Macondo Well Explosion, fire, sinking and oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico that began on April 20, 2010, better known as the Deepwater Horizon Disaster. I was looking for people who most accurately predicted the disaster, and in retrospect the sloppy safety procedures and faulty equipment, and the lack of preparation for disaster, made it inevitable, and anyone associated with the project could probably have predicted its failure. But Mr. High's description of the accident, that he sent out with his March newsletter was so incredibly spot on that it made me somewhat of a convert. He doesn’t make predictions, is a computer programmer and a radical linguist, and he has a program that scours the message boards of the entire world for emotional language, and the software takes a picture of it in the context of the words before and after certain words on his watch list, which I believe is in the many thousands. But he has a long track record predicting major events, the biggest ones being called, “tipping points,” and he predicted that 9/11 would be one, six weeks before it happened, and within six days of the actual date. Also one year before the most recent financial crisis he predicted the exact day that the stock market would have its greatest drop.

The Web Bot Project, developed in the late 1990's, was created to assist in making stock market predictions. But in 2001, the Web Bot began to notice that stock market predictions weren't the only things being accurately predicted by the program.

Most prognosticators do not give you times, dates, and theories as to what will happen. He collects unbelievable amounts of information, over 700 million messages per month, and he models it into some form of linguistic space that reveals trends, and some things He predicts are relatively minor, such as he predicted this month that the United States would see a meteorological anomaly where there would be an extreme low pressure weather pattern over the United States that is usually only associated with hurricanes over the ocean, and sure enough, about two weeks ago, the Chicago area recorded the lowest parametric pressure ever recorded on land, and it was accompanied by a very nasty storm front. But I am doing something very naughty, I am putting up his last two reports for any of you who are curious, because they concern an extremely large tipping point, one that he says will be at least 1000 times greater than that of 9/11?  His style of writing takes a little bit of getting used to, and I am going to include a glossary of commonly used terms and abbreviations that he uses. His predicted to the point was November 8–November 12, followed by a three-month recovery. But as we get closer to the events that he says to watch out for, his information gets tighter, and this morning I noticed that his timeline has moved up slightly, and has some other changes. I will begin with those.  I share his sort of extreme Jungian belief that there is a collective unconsciousness of mankind and that it does have intuitive qualities that you could call psychic abilities, but they don’t exercise or believe in? However their intuitions about future events often slip out unconsciously, and he is data mining for those intuitive feelings. I believe that there exists in human consciousness and the ability for time reversed perception. These events are not set in stone, human reaction and behavior can always alter the timeline of history.  I strongly recommend that you read the second, and perhaps Volume 0, Issue 8, and prepare as much as you can for what sounds like it could be big period of a tremendous social upheaval. Because not only will we might be battling the weather, earthquakes, mudslides, flooding, and perhaps the collapse of the US dollar, and War many of these events will be occurring simultaneously.

If none of this turns out to be true, no one will feel more like a bigger fool than I do. I have struggled about whether to release this material, because first of all it is copyrighted, and you should order through his website future reports yourself for $10 each if you find any useful material in it. I know several people who swear by it, including a broker who says she has been a ton of money following its predictive language trends.

Opening a Canadian bank account and switching dollars into Canadian or Swiss francs might get a good idea. Storing enough food for a couple of months, might be a good idea, because there is the lingering possibility that there could be war in the Middle East that could escalate into nuclear. An attack on Iran would mean that there would be an instant five way world war, with at least four, maybe five of the parties involved having nuclear weapons. If there are any detonations in the northern hemisphere, you will need to remain indoors for at least three weeks.  This is not a Halloween or April fool's prank. I wouldn’t be warning of some unexplainable phenomena, if I hadn’t been convinced by the collective body of this guys work. I have listened to all of his radio programs, and they are often on woo-woo shows like Coast-To-Coast, and he comes off as an extremely intelligent, very rational, very thorough, scientific sort of guy. And by charging only $10 an issue, he’s not in it for the money.  And he is modest, he is first to admit that only about one half of what he writes comes true. But considering that all other sooth Sayers, fortunetellers, psychics and visionaries are correct about as often as the fortune cookie, is this an extraordinary record.

Bottom line: Web Bot Predictions and Clif High interviews are intriguing information that is a valid part of a basket of information designed to inform one's assessment of general trends, but they are not always particularly useful as timeline-specific predictors of events.

If you think this is all crap, I can appreciate that, but don’t bother writing me a long letter why, because I am too busy trying to prepare myself.  Just chalk it off to being a bad science fiction treatment for a dystopian view of world collapse. Don’t blame me, I’m only the messenger. Clif is basically reporting on what people are clocking about on message boards and as a result the languages as profane, racist, bigoted, paranoid and polarized and as negative as Americans can be when they rave on about their beloved prejudices. I apologize in advance to anyone, or any group, including bankers, military, politicians, television reporters, members of the clergy or any group who feels they have been unfairly singled out for his criticism. Please remember, what follows are his reports about his adventures in linguistic computer modeling, and do not represent the opinions of the Douglas Kelley Show, myself, or any body else that I know. This is for your information only. Most of our leaders will only tell us what they think we want to hear, this fellow seems to be tapped into telling us exactly what we most fear.  That beginning this winter we might be facing; financial, climatic, geological, meteorological, and space weather, electro-plasmatic, seismological, cosmological and possibly, scaler war, unanticipated anomalies.

Gee, I hope none of this happens, and then everyone expresses their desire for peace, prosperity and security.

All my love peace and happiness I want to send to you, if this data dump saves anyone any of their wealth, health, and well-being it will be well worth it to do.

Always the best, love,


New Tipping Point numbers ....
Wednesday November 3rd

All of the numerics of our work change with each new data analysis run. This is the nature of dynamic, radical linguistics. Knowing this, we have kept the spyder programs focused on data gathering as the planet is moved closer to the tipping point at which building tension language shifts suddenly to release of tension language.

In spite of attempts at some level of officialdom to derail our progress and procedures (they have been fucking with us pretty seriously here at HPH), we have been able to keep the spyders out and about, and i have just (November 3, too damn early in the AM) finished the examination of the numerics and the sums. We have new conclusions to report.

The new information comes in the form of some date changes, and two significant alterations to the release language period. First, the date changes.

The emotional tension level plateau is has grown. It had been previously forecast to start on the 8th, but now shows as beginning on November 5, 2010, at approximately 2:30 PM Pacific Coast Time (UTC + 8). Further, the plateau of building emotional tension now extends out further to the 14th of November instead of the 11th. This is the last building tension to accrue. Expect the level to stay maddeningly the same until the breaking point.

Repeat. The 'break' in the tension values that indicates the tipping point after which we (the planet of humans) is into emotional release language starts on November 14th at 6:50AM Pacific Coast Time (UTC + 8). Repeat - Tipping point starts on 11-14-2010.

So we have had conditions alter such that the plateau is now starting earlier and lasting nearly 3 days longer.This relates to the timing of the shift into release language, now we need to concentrate on the slightly more complex nature of the release period that follows the tipping point.

There have been several changes in the numerics associated with the release period. First is that the rate of decrease of the numerics is faster than previously forecast. This is to say that the 'angle' into the release language will be steeper. So, for regular humans, the important point is that the emotional response to the period will be more intense levels of release language. Yet another way to think of it is that more words expressing deeper levels of emotional turmoil will be assaulting you with greater intensity. Or, yet another way, you will need to exercise your personal lexicon harder to come up with words to express your level of emotional response to the manifesting circumstances of these (upcoming) days.

So the descent into release language starts a few days later, and is steeper (deeper) which basically means it is forecast to be a bit more intense than first thought. Further we need to note that the release language now has 2/two alterations to its path. Previously we had thought that the release would be more or less down to about January 23rd of 2011 without any let up or alteration of the rate of release language expression. However, the data analyzed this morning shows that a minor small plateau shows up on January 1, 2011, that starts about 5AM Pacific Coast Time (UTC + 8) and lasts for nearly 25 hours until about 6 AM on January 2. During this 25 hour period the data shows that while the language still is within the release of emotional tension type, its rate of emotional release value sums virtually drops to zero. So kind of a 'hang time'. This small respite of slightly over one solar day, is abruptly shifted back to the release language value decrease rate as though without pause on January 2, 2011. This rate then continues unabated for 5 additional days until January 7th at which point becomes really accelerated (increased angle of descent) as the rate of numeric value reduction nearly doubles. Stated another way, the levels of release language, already very severe, and in continuous stream since November 14th of 2010, nearly double in a very rapid fashion over mere hours (1.12 hours) on January 7th, at about 5 AM. Further this increased rate of emotional release language persists for an additional 23 hours until 4:30 AM on the 8th of January. Then, whew, the rate of release language goes back to its previously experienced levels, which , while steep, are not as intense as the January 7 to 8 'purge' of anguish.

The rate of release language continues at its original pace until January the 17th when the first of any building tension values appears after 63 (sixty three days). This is NOT a good sign as the mega sun spot cycle has its next 'active' day for solar eruptions on January 18th. And if the activity levels of October 24-28th are any indication, we can expect major Terra intrusions on that date and to continue for a few weeks afterward.

So, basically, things have changed, but remain, mainly the same. For the mind controlled human, all things are either a curse or a blessing. For the aware human, all things are merely challenges. Note: challenging times just around this next temporal bend. Time yet remains to pie up and have a good nap.

Likely this is the last update prior to the tipping point on 11-14-2010.

November 3, 2010

Bona fortuna omnihumanity in novum annum.
A Glossary Of Some Of The Special Terminology That Mr. High Uses

Groups of things are organized as if they were an Entity. Constituted as:

Markets --Descriptor set for all trading including paper debts, commodities, global currencies, et cetera.

Populace/USofA -- Proxy for the populace of the United states of America. Defined broadly and representative of issues which rise to national prominence.

GlobalPopulace (GlobalPop)-- Proxy for all populace groups "not" part of Populace/USofA. Division forced by emotional splits arising from anti-Bush reactions post October 2001.

Terra-- Largest of the entities. Proxy for all biosphere related sub sets at all levels.

Press-- Proxy for print, TV, and most radio. Define with corporate sponsorship or funding as requirement. So increasingly "does" apply to some bloggers. Represents the conduit for 'official' messages at all levels. Also referenced as the 'global media-stream'.

Proxy for independent information exchange. Rarely discussed as it has potential for circuitous references.

Proxy for official UFO, NASA, NSA, and other 'strange reports' from/concerning Space including local to earth environmental reports. But specifically excludes any 'officially denied' contexts for [space] related subjects.

TPTB-- Proxy for The Powers That Be. Proxy for groups which may be loosely described as both 'elitist', and 'global' in thinking. Includes proxies for such as RCC, UN, OD, Illuminati, CFR, and others too numerous to detail here.

SpaceGoatFarts(SGF)-- This entity is newly formed. While references to Space Goat Farts have appeared within Terra, sub set Space in the past, the data set now demonstrates a need for an entity to allow for the growth of 'unknown forces of all kinds from space which are terra/populace affecting'. Includes non-earth based, non-human/non-mammal intelligent beings usually considered as 'space aliens' or 'extraterrestrials'. Created during 1207 clean up.

FuturePop-- This entity is forming from the 'self organizing collective' meme which has been in the ALTA reports for a number of years. The entity is a proxy for those [new forms] of [social grouping] which result from the aggregation of individual responses to the continuing biospheric degradation.


The Shape of Things to Come
Vol. 0, Issue 7 & 8 Data Set Analysis

Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Interpretation and Predictions for 2010/2011

By Clif High

The Shape Of Things To Come v0i7
Copyright 2010

By Clif High All Rights Reserved

Disclaimer: This forecast is real. A person would still be an idiot to make decisions based solely on their interpretation of my interpretation of strange data patterns. Universe rewards thinking. Everyone should try it for themselves at least once. Now would be a good time.

It needs to be remembered that our work here necessarily concentrates on the more negative parts of manifesting reality due to the nature of the emotional impact on humans of negatively perceived events, as well as the training that has been given to those in 'developed' civilization that inhibits the average human from expressing positive emotional states openly. The whole 'cool' thing. Remembering that stoicism developed as a natural outgrowth of the fragmentation and regimentation of civilization and is not known in tribal cultures, we note that the psychic leaks into language shifts are through the filters of mind training by "The Powers That Be" and their centuries, even millennial, long campaign of pervasive negative influence on individual and collective expression. So no wonder there isn't any 'good' news coming from our data gathering.

NOTE: in other words, our work errs on the most extreme, and most negative side of manifesting reality.

The reader is urged to NOT lose sight of the history of our work that shows we are correct only about half the time (at the detail levels), which, while abysmal, is still twice what chance should allow (according to silly academic theoreticians who actually believe that such things as 'odds' exist in reality). It is worth noting our "50 twice" experience, and taking it as a general rule when reading the following analysis. Stated again, remember "only correct (in the details) about half the time", which is still "twice" the 'odds' allowed by the curious notion of 'random chance'.

Prelude to GlobalPop

The extensive cross links from the GlobalPop entity over to the "The Powers That Be" ("The Powers That Be") entity are terminating in sub sets that are dominated by contentment, and pleased emotional tones. NOTE that having the "The Powers That Be" content and/or pleased does not bode well for the rest of the billions of humans on this planet. Indeed, the contentment sub set within the "The Powers That Be" entity has many cross links that begin in such areas of the GlobalPop entity as war, population location pressures (diaspora), food shortages, political chaos, economic deprivation, economic collapse, and sudden (catastrophic) climate change as examples. The "The Powers That Be" entity emotional tone sums are dominated by contentment, and pleased, however the numeric ratios of dominance shift over the course of the 2+ months from November 11th through to February of 2011. The shift of the emotional sums within "The Powers That Be" entity as modelspace is progressed through this period is very easily discerned. The "The Powers That Be" emotional sum shifts from a high of 2.398 to a low of 1.441 over only those 2+ months of release language. This represents the entire 'gain' in total sum value of the building tension sums for the "The Powers That Be" entity over the last 5+ years. Stated another way just to muddy the view, almost all of the emotional satisfaction that comes from successful evil works of the past 5 years will be gone over the Winter of 2010/2011. By the vernal equinox of March 2011, the dominating emotional descriptor which is also the fastest rising emotional descriptor for the entity from March onward is a complex sub set of fear. The specific supporting sub sets of the fear emotional set include anxiety (over immediate future), fear (of outside? external? exposure (to elements?), trepidation, denial (of manifesting circumstances), queasy stomachs, spasms, colons (burning) and others of similar nature. The change in emotional sums shifts at the same time as the 'duration', and 'intensity (of effect)' values for "The Powers That Be" are also dropping. This period of November 11th through January 28th is the first occurrence of a 'negative' period for this entity that we have encountered in our work, though most (over 88%) of the 'loss' of positive emotive quality occurs as the planet moves into 2011.

GobalPop - Tamojin's Travel Agent, The King's Income, Active Peaceniks, Leap Frog - right over nukes into Scalar Warfare?

The GlobalPop entity alters significantly as modelspace is progressed into the tipping point period of November 8th through November 11th. During these four days (actually over 4 days, 16 hours), the GlobalPop entity moves into dominance by a rising supporting primary set of change (of social order) with rapid/shocking as its primary support. Further the primary support for the rapid/shocking support set is blood (feeling) frozen, blood (rushing past) ears (drowning out sound), heart pumping fast, heart straining, breathe seized (out of air), eyes open wide, hairs (erect), and other body part or bodily function sets. The first impression of the accretion pattern change over these 4/days is not well received. The change of social order also includes war, and economic upheaval as supporting sub sets for this descriptor set. It is during these four days of very high levels of 'shock and awe' within the GlobalPop that the satisfaction (with efforts) level of the "The Powers That Be" entity reaches its peak.
However, we note, ironically, that the 'sun begins to set at the moment of the zenith'.

Within the planetary disapora (scattering of the people) sub sets we have growth for a number of newly visible 'causes' of the diaspora within the planetary mind control media. The data sets indicate that the food shortages which are quite real and pressing (upon) planetary populations are also going to be used as reasons that will be proffered by (the mainstream (or controlled/owned) media) for parts of the pending population shifts. While it may be thought that "The Powers That Be" are better served by garrisoning the populaces as a control mechanism, this is not really the case. "The Powers That Be" and their power sucking minions (a.k.a. politicians/petty people) are actually increasingly in control as the rate (of perceived) threatening chaos rises. And there is nothing like a good mass herding to raise stress and chaos fear feelings.

The forecast food shortages language is now showing up globally as the planet moves through the last of Summer (Northern Hemisphere) 2010, and towards Fall. The food shortages language will begin to shift as we pass the September equinox into language about the food shortages existent. This is to say that the language seen in the mainstream (mind control) media will shift from forecasts about food shortages to reports (of) effects of food shortages.

The linguistics around the food shortages aspect/attribute set including its supporting sub sets are all either directly in support of, or cross linked over to the sudden catastrophic climate change sub set. Noting that 'sudden' is relative to mass global human consciousness in this context, the pending next phase of the climate change will appear to be both sudden, and catastrophic. This last, that is the context of catastrophic is also very long in duration. We have sub sets that form in modelspace forecasting language to appear in Fall (post September equinox) 2010 that are indicated to still be existent a year later, in Fall, 2011. Further, these data sets are extensively cross linked internally within the GlobalPop sub set, as well as externally over to the Terra and "Space Goat Farts" entities, and in all cases the termination linguistics are also still existent in Fall of 2011. And at that time the sudden catastrophic climate change sub set, along with the food shortages, is in support for the continuing effects (of) diaspora globally. In other linguistic sets the data suggests that populations that are displaced by events/climate changes over Winter (2010/2011) and the first 4/four months of 2011, will likely still be displaced in September of 2011.

The data indicates that such areas as spain, northern italy, Switzerland, bavaria, and the central european mountains will become something of a refuge from sudden catastrophic climate change albeit temporarily. This will be due to displacements of populations by flooding, both rivers/rainwater and coastal. However, as the various displaced populations attempt to relocate to high ground, the data sets suggest that they will then be devastated by other, related impacts of sudden catastrophic climate change including freezing and extreme winter conditions that will be marked by exceptionally strong winds and new wind patterns. These robust wind storms are described as unique in the experience of humans in Europe, and very destructive.

There are a number of growing linguistic sets within the longer term data accruing which suggest that the winter (Northern Hemisphere) of 2011/2012 will begin in late July of 2011, and continue at least through July of 2012. These data sets would seem to be forecasting snow in summer (Northern Hemisphere) that continues, albeit sporadically, at least through July of 2012. The data sets would seem to be indicating that the ice age actually 'begins' in a minor sense this year (2010) in that the Fall (Northern Hemisphere) will be extraordinarily active with 'freak' storm conditions, and visible and destructive new weather/climate patterns. These developing climate patterns are not only the precursor to sudden climate change for 2011, but also will be unsettling (mentally) as the planetary populace tries to cope with the erratic and un-seasonable climate manifestations. Again, these climate shifts of 2010 will exacerbate, and increase food shortages as global agriculture and oceanic harvests go into negative production.

The weather/climate pattern changes of these last few decades is indicated to be visibly accelerated over late 2010 and out through the extent of our far look ahead, which is to say, mid Summer (Northern Hemisphere) 2012. These climate changes manifesting over 2010 and 2011, where the bulk of the data details are within the longer term value sets, points to civilization changes in response. Indeed, the linguistics are showing for some visible within mainstream/mind control media language explicitly going to sudden catastrophic climate change being referenced. The climate change induced civilization change is primarily showing within the GlobalPop, and Populace of United States of America entities within the diaspora sub set, though there are other major themes of human behavior also impacted.

Within the diaspora sub set there are growing sets for displaced persons to rise to the level of a planetary emergency by late Fall of 2011. Though the process of population displacement will be very visible in 2010 as the flooding, and moisture patterns become more violent, and altered, it will not be until 2011 (January/February) that the first of the mass migrations (due to altered climate) will be visible as a 'new theme' within the mainstream/mind control media.

As modelspace is progressed into 2011, and specifically as it moves through Spring (Northern Hemisphere), we note that significant, even overwhelming impacts from the sudden catastrophic climate change will affect the militaries of the planet. These impacts are within a wide variety of sets for such as rescues and encampments (being destroyed by flooding/mud), but also in wars and attack plans being canceled due to weather/climate. There are also indications that navies will be very significantly affected by both current changes and oceanic condition changes, as well as altered undersea contour changes. There are other, perhaps more dramatic impacts, for the militaries as the solar energy output fluctuations are indicated to cause satellite and air travel changes and disruptions.

Further solar induced/caused problems are noted in the GlobalPop and Populace of United States of America cross links over to the "Space Goat Farts" entity where the termination points are for extra planetary climate influences to also produce operational barriers for scalar weapons and even weapons research. There are other indicators within the GlobalPop entity that the military research industry on a planetary scale will be derailed or upended due to near earth, near space changes. These far atmosphere changes are showing as being so disturbing and disruptive that 60/sixty years worth of work/research are useless due to alterations (of the) fundamental nature *(of near by) space.

As a side note, it would appear that our 'cousin Alexi' forecast of a non terrestrial human cousin being video'd after escaping from the ruins of a jail structure will be visible by late Summer of 2011. We think that the data details are pointing to the actual video as being made sometime between late Fall (2010) and late Spring (2011), and then being available and seen, within Summer (Northern Hemisphere) 2011.

The longer term data sets within the GlobalPop entity are providing a seeming sequence of events that will begin in November of 2010 and continue to escalate through to springtime of 2011. This sequence is being labeled the king's income from aspect/attributes found at the secondary level of support for the descriptor. The king's income data set is a collection of Royalty, and secret society, and other sets related to the hidden hand (that thinks it rules earth) group. This hidden hand group is about to be faced with direct reduction of their income (stream) through (the) kings of the planet. The data sets indicate that manifesting from November on through all of 2011, but with a noticeable peak shortly after the vernal equinox of 2011 (March 21,2011), will be a wave of interest/examination of the riches of Royalty at all levels. The data sets would seem to be suggesting that the income of the king comes under such scrutiny as to cause both embarrassment and anxiety for the self proclaimed 'Royals' of the planet. The descriptors for embarrassment also include discredit, and unwise choices, as well as criminal activities, and immoral (socially repugnant) acts. The data sets for anxiety also include fear, panic, rejection, defiance, and ridicule (of the relative positions). The accretion patterns show within both the GlobalPop entity, as well as the "The Powers That Be" entity, as early, sporadic growth of the scrutiny of the kings' income in late October of 2010 that matures through Fall and Winter to reach something of a near term peak of frenzied words around the March equinox, 2011. At that point the descriptor set is dominated by supporting aspect/attributes for attacks, and audits, and recriminations (cries of criminal behavior), and cringing (in public), and cancellation (of public appearances), and other visible signs of distress (of the) imposed (relationship) of king to his slaves (subjects). This area participates in support for the revolution meta data layer {ed note: a layer of linguistics that spans across various entity divisions}. The revolution meta data layer within the GlobalPop entity is significantly influenced by the Populace of United States of America entity and "The Powers That Be" entity as all three entities progress through the tipping point of November 8th through the 11th of 2010.

Within the focus on kings' income data set, the supporting aspect/attributes indicate that the meme is both wide and deep. This means that the Royalty income under investigation will spread from the first point of initial visibility within the mainstream media (a.k.a. propaganda press) to other countries, and other Royalty.

The data sets are indicating that the Italian populace will be exhibiting/expressing some leading edge (new form) of political activism within the November 2010 tipping period from the 8th through the 11th. Timing not being that precise in the future viewing arts, it would not be surprising for the manifesting circumstances to appear later that November 11th. What many non aware observers will find surprising, even shocking will be what the aspect/attributes sets are describing as pacifistic actions (assaults) that will be targeting the (bankers) prison system in Italy. The data suggests that pacifists (opposed to /Israeli global war) will first storm/assault an Italian prison where political prisoners will be released, and will then surround (siege) several government (and banker/corporate) complexes. The data further suggests that escalation of the manifestation of anger on the part of the Italian populace will be labeled as anti-semitic attacks. This label is indicated to be widely promulgated/promoted within the anglosphere (Corporate controlled) global media in a deliberate attempt to force the American Military to respond to/attack the Italian peace movment (populace). While the data is somewhat obscure on the details as there is so much going on globally during the tipping period and beyond, there are some aspect/attribute sets within the accretion patterns that indicate that the word slaughter and horror (of deaths) within the popular peace movement will be first associated with the Italian politicians, and with much lower levels linked to the American Military (presence in Italy). This would seem to indicate that the bloody response to the peace riots and popular attacks (on government /corporate complexes) is/will be instituted by the Italian minion classes (of petty people a.k.a. politicians) rather than the the United States of America military occupation forces in Italy.

At the primary, and secondary support levels for the GlobalPop entity as a whole, and when progressed through January and February of 2011, we find that authority (controllers) descriptor set is juxtaposed with a (drastic) fall (in) prestige (and power). This is at a primary level within the entity as a whole. This archetype of separation (from controlling powers) and drastic (loss) of ability to control (enforce will) supports the GlobalPop entity at its top most level, and therefore is being taken as a broad theme for the coming year. Actually, the data sets that are accruing now, for the linguistics that are forecast to manifest in early 2011 carry 'duration of impact' values that extend to the limit (19 months) of the longer term data. It seems reasonable to presume that these data sets will continue to grow support as we progress through 2011, and into mid 2012.

The drastic supporting set for fall (loss of prestige and/or power) are extensively cross linked over to the "The Powers That Be" entity where the termination points are *just at the cusp of the sums for 'emotional tone' within the entity start to go negative. Also within the drastic sub set are indicators for a series of unexpected deaths (and/or separations) within "The Powers That Be". From the view of that entity, the cross links of the unexpected descriptor set originate within the GlobalPop at the drastic supporting set. Again, from the view of the "The Powers That Be" entity, this data would be interpreted as drastic (actions) of unexpected nature induces separations and deaths (within the) "The Powers That Be".

A note about the separations descriptor set is in order. Within the linguistic structure there are usually a number of possible words to choose as the label for the set. At this level they are all equal. It is the usual practice to allow the sums of the impact values to determine the smaller set from which the actual descriptor will be selected. This is to say that the number value of the words' total impacts values most frequently is used as the criteria to winnow the larger set into something manageable. In this case there were a great many candidate words as labels, but a curious sums value ratio arose in which the largest degree of difference in the value set was between separations (plural) and all the other words. Another curious component is that separations is found in almost all the other possible labels as a defining aspect/attribute for that linguistic structure. So separations was used as the label since universe was being so blatant. In this instance, the primary supporting sets for separations are the aspect/attribute sets of disappearance, leaving, passing, and hiding.

From the view of the GlobalPop entity, without the collective brain paranoia, it does not appear that any 'actions' on the part of humans are the cause of the deaths (and separations) within "The Powers That Be". There are some linguistic structures that would seem to point to human actions {ed note: perhaps unknowingly} that will augment or enhance the unexpected feeling around these separations and deaths. There are also extensive cross links over to "Space Goat Farts" entity where a lot of the unexpected circumstances will manifest, as well as the Populace of United States of America entity where we note that some level of inter familial contention will enter the picture, even for the sheeple here in the the United States of America as the accruing supporting sets have high visibility values. As a side note, the interfamilial warfare data sets suggest that the first match (round) will be won by the American faction. This is likely not a good thing for regular humans in the short term as the feud/battle within the "The Powers That Be" is within the larger social order chaos and climate disruption of 2011 and 2012.

Within the GlobalPop entity, and with extensive cross links over to the sun disease sub set of the "Space Goat Farts" entity, there are 2/two large sets headed by the descriptors of relocation and reduction that are not directly in the supporting structures for diaspora. These 2/two sets have also a large cross link connection to "The Powers That Be" at their primary and secondary support levels. Taken as a whole the data would seem to be suggesting that "The Powers That Be" will visibly and publicly though reluctantly and with actions rather than words, confirm that the sudden catastrophic climate change is of a severe (and) long lasting kind. The actions sub set is pointing to "The Powers That Be" going on a relocation binge in 2011 in which treasures and treasured artifacts of all kinds will be reduced (from public view) as they are re-homed across the planet. The details suggest that many tourist museums will be closed with excuses, while others will be dwindling away as their artifacts are withdrawn. The idea is that new homes, mostly underground will be prepared for these treasures. The data is also quite explicitly pointing to leaks about the re-homing of artifacts occurring throughout 2011 as the power structure (of the elite) goes into break- down.

As modelspace is progressed through the tumultuous early days of 2011 and towards the summer solstice the growth in truth telling, and destructive words (delivered) grows in a number of areas of support for "The Powers That Be" and their control systems. One of the control systems forecast to be most affected is the club of rome. The pedophiles at all levels up to the pope are forecast to be in the news as further horrific details emerge as to past and current crimes are revealed. Some of the criminal activities will emerge through fiscal degradation that will induce even more paranoia into the control structure of the church. The data sets include details pointing to a cadre of whistleblowers who are indicated to emerge from repression (within the church). These whistleblowers will bring to public attention both the sexual crimes as well as the more routine crimes of pillage and murder. The data sets are indicating that some fairly senior minions within the control structure of the church of rome will be blabbing their heads off, until they actually will lose their heads. The frightening murders of a couple of the senior control members within the church of rome are indicated to appear/look like war (for control) so much that they will be labeled as mob warfare and gang wars by the independent media. In our data the suggestion is that this is exactly the case, and that a murderous war for control of the church and its resources will indeed be (more or less) publicly waged.

There are a significant number of cohesive sub sets within the GlobalPop entity that suggest that the next 'great' war will be fought with Energy Weapons rather than explosives in cans. The Energy Weapons sub sets are already existent within the "Space Goat Farts" entity, but now are beginning to show as directly held sets within the GlobalPop entity. The idea coming across is that during the initial (days?) movements of the global war, that scalar/Energy Weapons are employed to trigger (terra intrusion) events. These are shown as including flooding, and mud slides, and earthquakes, as well as wind storms of quite violent nature. It may be that this is why we have such a high level of Terra entity participation within the November tipping point period, yet not high enough to consider the Terra intrusions as *the cause for the tipping point. As of this report we still have a growing 15/fifteen percent of the emotional values across all four days of the tipping point as being Terra 'caused'. This participation by the Terra entity within the tipping point events is somewhat 'muddied' by the extensive cross links from both the GlobalPop and Populace of United States of America entity over to the Terra entity. Many of the areas of the cross links within the Terra entity are also cross linked over to the Energy Weapons sub set of the "Space Goat Farts" entity. The implication would seem to support the idea that Energy Weapons are part of the next global war.

Populace of United States of America - FRNs Wither, Totalitarian Tap Dance, Dark Nights, New WPA (War Powers Act), Scape Motza, Dissipation Days, Liberty Attack Redux, Great (surreal) Expectations

A large subset of the diaspora (scattering of the peoples) is headed by the loss of The money. This sub set is directly connected by extensive cross links over to the "The Powers That Be" entity where termination points include aspect/attribute sets such as removal (of monetary (federal reserve notes FRNs) velocity), reduction/ closing (of the flood gates), and trickle (of money flow). The "The Powers That Be" entity suggests that deliberate acts on the part of "The Powers That Be" will prevent any of the banks (banksters) from lending money, or doing anything at all to increase (the flow) of currency through the American economic system. The data within the Populace of United States of America entity sub set of loss of The money points directly to the reduction (to nil) of the money flow as being a primary supporting element of the disapora (relocation) of large parts of the populace/ the United States of America over the last part of 2010, and all of 2011.

The Populace of United States of America entity has several instances of the aspect/attribute set headed by people (in) darkness. In one such instance that is cross linked over to the Terra entity we have details suggesting that a significant number of people will be trapped in darkness in a group. The size of the group of trapped people is not indicated, but the site of the event is a public building that will be taken as refuge housing, and during an extreme weather episode will leave many people trapped in darkness. This episode is indicated to reach the level of Main Stream Media (propaganda press/tv) visibility and is also associated with the ill winds sub set within the Terra entity.

Further instances of the people (in) darkness sub set appear as modelspace is progressed through late Summer and into Fall. The supporting sets suggest that a new social phenomenen will be visible during this time, as the economic crunch will have pressured many homeowners (a.k.a. bank debtors) into living in darkness as they can no longer sustain (electricity/utilities) payments. The data seems to indicate that the rise to visibility of the people (living) in darkness will be co-incident with the back-to-school social shift. There are sub sets in support of this linguistic set that indicate that stories will appear in the Main Stream Media (propaganda press) about families unable to afford both utilities and school costs. Many will sacrifice (for) children and will be going without (basic?) services in order to put children (back) in school. The accretion patterns indicate that the story in Main Stream Media will trail off after the back-to-school selling season, but that the phenomenen will continue throughout 2010 and even accelerate as winter (Northern Hemisphere) begins to cause maiming and death due to extraordinary cold conditions. The cross links to the Terra entity are pointing to more visible problems with cold induced body damage in the southern and western states where many of the houses are both without adequate insulation, and are heated with electricity. There are other supporting sets that point to the basic nature of delivered social services (a.k.a. utilities) being a much discussed subject within the Main Stream Media as winter (Northern Hemisphere) progresses into January 2011. The accretion patterns suggest that not only heat and light, but also sewer and water are to be discussed as hundreds of thousands across the country are living in darkness and without water/sewer.

The Populace of United States of America entity also has sub sets that indicate a surge of health problems including ancient/old diseases in both Fall and Winter. The impact on the health care system is showing as severe with the added pressures from the economically crushed populace being blamed for health care system breakdown in many of the major urban centers as well as within formerly affluent cities/suburbs. The health care disease is indicated to become so severe/extreme at a national level, that by mid 2011, strikes and slowdowns will be common, as will health care facilities collapse syndrome in which entire hospitals and clinics will become so non functional, seemingly in a very short period of time, that instances of shutdowns/shuttering (the building) will occur, as well as situations where the staff will walk out, and not return.

As 2010 moves forward, the modelspace shows deepening economic woes for the Populace of United States of America entity. There are indications of economic dictatorship from the banksters such that debtors work facilities are discussed. Unlike a 'debtors prison', the debtor's work facilities /system will be set up as a 'work makes free' (work yourself out of debt) plan that is not like a 'debtors prison', but really is quite like it. The touts and shills for the elites are indicated to be bringing this idea up within a larger social engineering context, perhaps 'immigration reform'. In any event the slavery (to the) central banksters (a.k.a. Federal reserve criminals) plan is indicated to be not well received even to the point of public harassment (assault) on several of the media personalities who will have become associated with the idea. There are indications that a sub plot will also be in play here in that cross links over to "The Powers That Be" entity are pointing to the use of public hatred and public anger and public ridicule will be used to remove several of the minion class of politicians and press (tv) personalities by calculated connections with unpopular social projects. Hmmm.....them uppity reporters better watch out or they will be assigned as spokesperson for the new 'end the food crisis by eating cow shit cookies' program.

The tipping point period from November 5 through the 14th, and then the subsequent multiple months of release of emotional tension language have distinct the United States of America centered 'spread' patterns in which change initiated within the whole of modelspace starting the 'tip' of those four days appears to begin within the Populace of United States of America entity. While difficult to determine precisely where the 'tip' of modelspace begins, the 'spread' is easily discerned. The emotional tension values reach a peak early on November 8 and hold that level of both intensity, and duration, as well as a number of other values, through the next 4/four days, and 6/six hours. Within that time period the 'tip' is begun, and by the end of it, the spread rapidly overtakes all of modelspace. As a result of the tipping point, and indicated to appear over the subsequent 2/two plus months, a war powers act or fake law (pre- written/pre-agreed upon 'law') will be laid upon (the Populace/ the United States of America) in which government will be given dictatorship powers (WPA = War Powers Act) for the duration of the new war. The data sets indicate that the long feared bugaboo of 'martial law' will not be necessary, nor will 'martial law' be invoked as there will be no need for such a crude approach given the compliance of the whores in congress and the other political class minions (appointed 'civil servants').

While there are some small level of indicators for the American elections (November 2) to be disputed, and claimed invalid, the tipping point period would seem to rule out any effective challenge to the spurious results. NOT THAT IT MATTERS! The data shows that the conservatives, and the fundamentalist religionists will be upset, and frothing at the mouth due to the visible vote fraud that apparently will not be as devastating for the incumbents as predicted, but their ire is not to be effective. Further, it does not matter. It is quite clear that ALL politicians who rise to the level of national prominence are completely controlled (owned) by "The Powers That Be" and will do as instructed, without regard to their supposed 'constituent loyalty'. Indeed, the political parties and the infrastructure of laws within the American political 'system' are in place to control politicians and to bend their backs (for riding by "The Powers That Be"). So, as recent elections have demonstrated, there is no chance for change within the American political system. Sadly the data sets indicate that yet one more time, "The Powers That Be" will suck energy from the vein (of the populace) while providing the illusion of a democracy in which votes matter. They do not. This upcoming 'election' of the 'chosen' few by the duped masses will be yet again another reminder that ("The Powers That Be") own the political process in America, and that their 'education' system and mass (mind control) media have complete, and near total control over the Populace/ the United States of America.

It is worth noting that political challenges within the American populace control system (a.k.a. 2/two party politics) are merely theater to keep the populace distracted, and are indicated to be forgotten within days of the sham elections due to the new war and its impacts on the American peoples.

Sadly, there are data accretion patterns pointing to the disenfranchisement of the populace (through the fraud of voting), and political manipulation (of emotions) that will be redirected by "The Powers That Be" and their agents and mind control media (Mind Control Media = Main Stream Media) toward the populace within the the United States of America. The data shows that attacks and assaults on people within the the United States of America will be dramatically portrayed by the Mind Control Media/Main Stream Media over the release language period and into 2011 in an agenda furthering effort to misdirect rage, and to institute more power grabbing their minions. The data sets would seem to be indicating a flurry of anti semite labeling being flung about far and wide by the Corporate controlled media over the first half of 2011. Sadly, the data suggests that real attacks and assaults will be a rising problem for the people within the populace/ the United States of America. It needs to be noted that the scapegoated victims of the attacks are NOT complicit in the "The Powers That Be" plans, and that these victims are intended misdirects as a safety valve for "The Powers That Be". The data indicates that "The Powers That Be" will be using the assaults on peoples for multiple purposes including draining emotional rage (over manifesting events), and redirecting rage (away from the real perpetrators), and as an excuse for further control laws (laid on the populace).

The visible spread of the tipping point in November of 2011 starts within the Populace of United States of America entity and rapidly moves across modelspace. By the end of the second day of the 4/four day period, the data sets within the Populace of United States of America entity are dominated by attacks, and 'friends'. These and other indicators would seem to continue to suggest that a mistaken of an attack on Iran will be ordered by "The Powers That Be" during this time. There are many sub sets that appear in the accretion patterns of the 'near edge' of the longer term data sets prior to the tipping point going to the idea that subtle and blatant forms of mind control (from the media) will be used to prepare the populace for the upcoming tasks required of the American slave populace in order to create/institute planetary war. The data has explicit sets going to weakness (exploited within the populace) with huge levels of details supporting multiple attacks (on populace will power to resist) that have extensive cross links back over to "The Powers That Be" entity where most terminate within the satisfied contentment sub sets. Note that the "The Powers That Be" entity loses a lot of the supporting sets for contentment (with plans) as the data sets for 2011 are accruing within modelspace, however the details of those do NOT suggest a meaningful rebellion of the populace/ the United States of America, and rather seem to be more Terra entity focused.

Also worth noting are the data sets that do seem to indicate a backlash against such socially debilitating issues as pornography, and mind control media. There are distinct growth patterns for social uprising that will seriously impact the human traffic and pornography industry in late 2010 and through 2011. The data accrues large sub sets in 2011 for a growing movement within the populace against the dissipation industries that rises concurrent with the attacks on proprietors (and corporations). Apparently an anti-pornography social movement will involve many personal (also sadly violent) attacks on pornography moguls, The data sets further indicate that over 2011, the "The Powers That Be" control attempts will try to first hijack/infiltrate the social reformation movement by way of the 'new age' religions which will fail due to the anti-religion (as demonstrated control mechanism of "The Powers That Be") bias, and they will resort to Mind Control Media 'blitz' attacks in an attempt to derail the social movement through other, more brutal control means. The data sets accruing in support of the 'hate' speech laws will get to a pivotal point around the Spring Equinox (March) 2011, and the "The Powers That Be" are shown as putting at risk their assets within the 'awake and aware' segment of the populace by ordering (these asset personalities) to come out in support of the hate speech laws. The data within the Populace of United States of America entity indicates that shock and disappointment, and crushing disillusion will be rampant and deep within the 'awake and aware' social movement as many of the personalities who had been trusted in the past will out themselves due to their support for "The Powers That Be" populace speech control laws.

Some interesting sub sets within the hate speech laws and new age infiltration sub set growth over 2011 would seem to indicate that government (a.k.a. minions of "The Powers That Be") will take some rather extraordinary steps of trying to shore up their eroding power base not only with new laws, but also by releasing certain memes regarding explicit support (for "The Powers That Be") from spiritual authorities. These spiritual authorities sub sets are not as detailed as other sets growing in 2011, which indicates that they may be continuing through into 2012, but are curious in that they show the "The Powers That Be" releasing the idea that Aliens (or Gods/Demigods/spiritual beings) will be actively invoked in support of the divine right to rule albeit in new language that will attempt to disguise the nature of the message. In these supporting sets, the accretion patterns show that both implicit (due to coming from mind-control-media/mainstream-media) and explicit support for spiritual beings messages which seem to bless "The Powers That Be" will be presented as part of the derailing mechanism for the social upheavals which, from the "The Powers That Be" viewpoint have gotten out of their hands (out of control) over 2011.

The 'close edge' of the longer term data shows that the elections (Dissipation Days) within the the United States of America in November will be a case of second rate and dissipation persons (weak willed corrupt ones) who will change the nature (emotional flavor) of the days (time). This change will be toward a period of focus (on) trivialities. These trivial ones will be attempting to shift the focus from manifesting (changes within) reality and instead, move the Populace/ the United States of America into a focus on sex majic (scandals) and new lies.

The elections sub sets are led by descriptors such as (nation) bed-ridden (ill) with great ("The Powers That Be") ambitions that are too extreme. The data details include sub sets for people (not able) to co-exist. There are aspect/attribute sets that would appear to suggest that in spite of all of the mainstream media hype (and fear), nothing in the nature of real change actually occurs. The accretion patterns have a slight rise in the emotional impact values for the days following the elections, but not so much of a rise that stolen elections would seem to be more than mere background grumbling to the larger events that take place during the 4/four data tipping point in November.

The accretion patterns for the American elections (November 2010) could be interpreted as being stolen and subsumed (to the will of "The Powers That Be") by the mere existence of the tipping point merely days after the elections. Without regard to the insanity of voting within a rigged, two party, single master system, the data could be interpreted as a wholesale removal of nearly all incumbents of both parties, that is then followed by false flag war/crisis conditions such that the election results have to be set aside/ignored. This is merely a possible interpretation of the data sets given the proximate of the tipping point to the elections. As of this reading of the data it would appear that all the media frenzy about the elections will vanish over night of November 7th as the planet shifts into the tipping point period.

The new war being crafted around a "mistaken attack" on Iran will be bringing some strange social impacts to the Populace of United States of America. These new social trends include mercenaries being killed (in) masses such that recruiting campaigns of force, and intimidation will be propelled intensely by government creating untenable alternatives. The idea coming across is that young people (cannon fodder for "The Powers That Be") will be offered bad conditions (as mercenaries), but worse alternatives (forced) by government edit (draft). The movement of modelspace suggests that the new draft laws will be put forward in January of 2011 such that they can be ready when the mass mercenary deaths begin to occur in early Spring (Northern Hemisphere) of 2011.

The new wars sub set also grows nation at risk as a primary supporting sub set. The nation at risk sub set includes forced servitude that will spark both riots and mob murders over the course of 2011. The data does not show this government pressure (for forced servitude) does not continue into 2012. Several of the riots related sub sets seem to be indicating that a prominent politician (or two) will be crushed and dismembered {ed note: accidentally by bad timing of driver} and that this mob murder of 'civil servants' will significantly alter the emotional tone of the government. The data sets suggest that incidents such as these mob murders of politicians will bring about the mass hiring (of mercenaries as) bodyguards for politicians at all levels.

The data sets suggest that in 2011, a move toward sanctioned killings (by mercenaries as bodyguards to politicians) will appear as a theme within the mainstream mind control propaganda media. The propaganda pimps will also be 'protected' by mercenaries, and are described as having invested into the mind control (of politicians and other protected parties) having a greater right to life than ordinary humans, and thus the laws are indicated to be changed and allow the sanctioned (made legal) killings by body guards in serving their masters by protecting them from violent rogues (formerly called citizens).

Data sets with extensive cross links over to the "Space Goat Farts" entity suggest that not only are violent citizen outbursts something of a problem for "The Powers That Be", but also the surreal experiences of an increasing sub set of the populace/ the United States of America will be time consuming {ed note: pun intended} and aggravating for "The Powers That Be" as they attempt to retain control over the minds (of the) populace/ the United States of America. The detail sets seem to indicate several 'hot beds' of surreal life experiences will be emerging over late 2010 and into 2011 in the continental the United States of America. {ed note: the locations are likely due to proximate of time labs and other shadow government 'science' operations.} The surreal nature of the experiences will be put down to any number of more prosaic causes, including drugs, and other mental disturbances, but the data sets growth patterns indicate that within a very short time, the number of reported surreal encounters (with universe and its critters) will increase to the level of discussion of the phenomena within mainstream mind control media. The data sets are pointing to the propagandists (especially cable 'news') going out to consult pedophiles (priests) and other Sorcerers in great numbers to try to quell the wave (of) experience reports.

As the Populace of United States of America entity is progressed through the summer 2011, the sudden catastrophic climate change sub sets within the entity grow large areas of support for the disapora sub set by way of evacuations. The climate change catastrophe induced evacuations are found under fires, and toxic smoke, as well as violent storms (not seen before levels), and earthquake (caused/augmented) floods. There are a number of new areas of growth under the floods in the extreme summer (of) 2011 (in the) continental United States of America. These floods sub sets impacts on the Populace/ the United States of America are further augmented by the supporting sets of governmental and officialdom being in a condition (of) contention and internal strife such that rescues that *will be occurring are the results of citizen response.

The rescues that are showing up in the detail sets are pointing to a very emotionally intense period of several months that will span the last of (extreme) summer 2011 and into fall 2011. The rescues are forecast to include trains and highways that will be flooded or impassible due to toxic smoke. There are indications that local guides will rope together to move (large numbers) of stranded people over a terrible 3/three day period. These 3/three terrible days are forecasting that exhaustion and the conditions will kill many in some form of disaster not 'normal' to the the United States of America. There are some sub sets suggesting that public ferries and private boats will be involved in the conditions (for) rescue if not the actual rescues themselves, and further that the corpses retrieved will line the banks for miles.
There are other, summer 2011 data sets within the Populace of United States of America entity and the Terra entity, some with cross links over to the "Space Goat Farts" or GlobalPop entities for earthquake (caused) transportation cessation that are being forecast as producing global impact. These earthquakes indicated to cause the damaged transportation system are temporally related to the end of summer, 2011 and appear in the data sets just following the flooded plains rescues. Further the earthquake damages bring along multiple generations (over 42 years) worth of impact on the infrastructure.


By the time that the longer term data sets forecast linguistics will begin to emerge in early to mid December, 2010, the static or beginning view of modelspace suggests that the great crash of the American financial empire will have occurred. This is to say that the longer term data sets begin in December 2010, but do so against the initial starting state in which the last of the short term data left modelspace. The beginning state forecast linguistics within the Markets entity starts off with gold/silver having had something of an escalator ride (rapid steps up) relative to the currencies (of the planet) due to paper debt systems becoming unstable. The unstable paper debt systems language suggests that before the American elections of November there had been at least 3/three unhinging episodes which had produced the retching/puking/nausea forecast in previous Shape reports. These episodes of fiscal gastric distress, according to the initial state of the Markets entity, had resulted in the unhinging of the precious metals (mostly gold/silver, but others as well) from the paper chains that had previously provided leverage (and) control over the metals markets.

The 3/three unhinging episodes are the temporal markers for the appearance of the panic to possess (gold /silver) language that the longer term values are forecasting will be the dominant background theme across 2011. The progression of the Markets entity along with modelspace through even the early days of 2011 shows rapid growth in several dozen contexts that relate to the precious metals. These include scandals becoming visible and concerning delivery of paper control contracts that had been used to depress the prices and interest in gold/silver and other precious metals. Further the data suggests that military demands (for silver as strategic metal) {ed note: see "Space Goat Farts" entity discussion for more on this theme.} will further escalate the already pressing silver shortage.

There are several sub sets that appear in the Markets entity as modelspace is progressed through the early days of 2011. The detail sets are suggesting that language around war, and ends of war will seriously impact the life (existence) of the markets themselves. The idea bubbling up from the details over the first 2/two quarters of 2011 suggest that war costs, and direct impacts (from war), will so adversely impact the markets that the data is forecasting language about disruptions, and disappearances (of funds) that will shut down the markets systems. These data sets are also supported by aspect/attributes within the Populace of United States of America sub sets that indicate that government will be in such a state of panic over the aberrations of the systems that a politician (stooge of "The Powers That Be") and a member of the club will be rapidly promoted to 'take charge' of the new crisis.

The data sets for Markets entity would seem to suggest that before November, a federal government mandate has caused a bank holiday (suspension) that in effect has beggared the populace by removing (the layers of) illusions that had propped up the government lies. The further crash of the property values (of all kinds) apparently hit so fast after or around the September equinox, that the speed of degradation into worst case was trumpeted by government shills as a reason for fear (of the next Great Depression). The government shills and mainstream (mind control) media propaganda about descent (into) depression was apparently used to prop up (the establishment stooges) and was used as the excuse (for) yet more stolen elections.

As modelspace and the Markets entity progress through the first months of 2011, the detail layers forecast very dire language to be appearing in mainstream propaganda outlets across the nation. The data suggests that once the depression and killer deflation became obvious, the government (ordered so by "The Powers That Be") stooges shifted their tactics in an attempt to push blame away, and at the same time, ramp up fear (of evil depression) such that more control mechanisms could be placed up the public's ass.

The data sets could also be interpreted around a scenario where in the mass outing (of incumbents) in the elections cause a markets crash of staggering historic proportions (over November 5th through 14th) such that this crash is used to institute emergency powers (over the economy and all aspects of life here in the the United States of America), and effectively steal *(back) the elections for the "The Powers That Be" stooges as the 'government' grants itself the powers to decide who won which election.

Without regard to how it comes about, the Markets entity has data sets forecasting language in 2011 about the historic 'loss' of 'money' in 2010 due to deflation, devaluation, depression and markets devastation.

Combined with food shortages, both actual and engineered, the Winter (Northern Hemisphere) 2010 is indicated to bring about the largest and swiftest version of empire collapse ever seen on this planet. The data suggests that the southwest region of the American society will be the point at which the spark (of the conflagration) begins for the officialdom (version) of the national American identity). The data sets that have the highest level of accrual rates in early January through February are within areas that are pre-existing from 2010 initial state of modelspace. These data sets have supporting aspect/attribute sets that include chaos (social order destruction), and officialdom (repudiating elections), and officials (murdered at their jobs), and politicians (in america) requiring body guards. Part of the newly accruing aspect/attribute supporting sets for politicians (here in america) go to the idea that mercenaries are hired as body guards due to the threats (and actual) violence against politicians at both national and state levels. These sets relating to the mercenary body guards and their visibility in early 2011 are indicated to be very good temporal markers for the large separation (divide) of the markets that likely is part of the second and larger of the 3/three officialdom devaluation of the the United States of America dollar episodes.

The data sets accretion patterns for the Markets entity point to devaluation depression as being a major (political) crisis in the the United States of America by March of 2011. The supporting sets that accrue for that period go to the idea of a crisis face on the officialdom (political elites) of the United states of America that will be constantly visible within the mind control, mainstream media. The propagandists are to be without rest during the months of March and April of 2011 as they, along with the rest of officialdom attempt to retain control during the national uprising. This period within the Markets entity is extensively cross linked back over to the Populace of United States of America at levels that are not present between the Markets entity and the GlobalPop entity. In many ways, the linguistics describe a period in which the world (of money, paper debt abstractions) is holding its breath waiting for the *next* development to manifest.

As part of the six days of madness near the vernal equinox of March, the data sets are forecasting that the markets participants are in a state of decay that is reflective of the state of political (social order) decay within the the United States of America nationally. The events of November 2010 and the subsequent months of release language are forecast to be draining to the lies that "The Powers That Be" have been spewing for decades, and combined with the negative tone of "The Powers That Be" entity, the Markets entity is suggesting that a wave of closures and shuttering of institutions both government, and corporate will occur. As modelspace moves the Markets entity in to Spring (Northern Hemisphere), the accruing supporting sets are going to a crisis (of government) that, by threatening the stability (of the populace institutions) will also be threatening (the existence or continuation) of the paper debt markets themselves.

The data suggests that even in the propaganda press (Main Stream Media) the forecasts for the rest of 2011 will include language such as worst year ever, and bad spring, abysmal summer, sick fall, ill winter. In several of the accruing supporting aspect/attribute sets for the period of early 2011, the linguistic structures reflect the impact of the November tipping point events on the social stability as being the opposite of what "The Powers That Be" had desired. There are a number of sets that go to the idea that "The Powers That Be" negative emotional tone, and indeed the loss of emotional values within "The Powers That Be" entity, are directly related to the chaos (and systems instability) that was introduced in November, 2010. These supporting sets include details suggesting that the riots of 2011 and the other social instability manifestations have a very chilling effect on the whole of "The Powers That Be" control structures including their pedophilic Priests/Popes and their massive wealth. The idea coming across is that a slip up of some sort during the six days (of markets madness) near the equinox directly related to the nefarious activities of "The Powers That Be" will induce wobble in a system already hanging on by the slimmest of margins, and that this wobble (in financial systems) will bring about devastating impact on the Church (Club) Of Rome. The data would seem to suggest that one of the results is that the Church (Club) Of Rome will be forced to sell off assets to cover losses. The financial impact of the stinky 'investments' will also set off a chain of recriminations and truth telling that will seem to be the act of conspiratorial scape goats trying to get back at their former partners.

Over all of 2011 the longer term data sets continue to accrue supporting sets for crushing deflation that is described as rolling around the planet in waves. These crushing deflationary waves are at first resisted by the markets and the minion classes (politicians and other officialdom), but with the summer 2011 and onward planetary infrastructure chaos, due in part to earthquakes and sudden catastrophic climate change, the deflation (of the financial system) soon becomes yet more background noise as the markets (and infrastructure) become daily less relevant to human activities.

Terra - Ski Rome, Mottled Maps, New Ice, Old Cities, New (city) Islands, Long Mud Out, Polar Peep, Dead VIP Shuffle, Solar Tussle

The data sets are indicating that the oscillation of the weather patterns between hot and cold will totally dominate the planet from the autumnal (September) equinox onward. Stated another way, the data indicates that from September of 2010 onward, the 'mild' seasons of spring and fall will cease to be relevant. The idea coming up from the data detail layers is that as the solar system continues to exhibit frequency intensity shifts that will include more solar output, and sharp solar energy shifts, the planetary weather patterns will also continue to shift until what remains is more or less a 2/two season world. The flavor of the seasons are indicated to vary by temperature (degrees maximally divergent), and not by other factors including moisture (rain) patterns.

The data sets suggest that extreme cold will be the visible part of these linguistics within the mainstream media over both Fall and Winter in the Northern Hemisphere. The details sets even provide for snow to be covering (the) seven hills of Rome, while avalanches and ice 'events' will cause significant damage within central europe, including parts of Germany, Switzerland, France, Austria, and the Czech Republic. From the Faroe Islands south to the French coast, the 'cold' season (formerly Fall, and Winter) will be dominated by storms, freezing rain, ice falls (storms), high (extreme) winds, and strange (unexpected) magnetic disturbances including high altitude atmospheric conditions which may cause odd optical effects at the apex/pinnacle of the coldest conditions.

The accretion patterns for the weather/climate sub sets within the Terra entity are not uniform, but vary widely by geographic regions. It would appear that the chaos (in climate) sub sets that have so many cross links over to the disapora sub sets within the GlobalPop and the Populace of United States of America will be particularly evident as the planet moves into official Northern Hemisphere Winter on December 21, 2010. The chaos (in climate) sub set has disparate (deviation from norm/usual) as the dominant aspect/attribute set, with a rising primary descriptor of mottled/irregular in the support set. The details suggest that previous weather forecasting patterns will become essentially useless as the planet progresses through December and into 2011. The formerly predictable snow accumulation patterns (and sites) are shown as being up- ended or over-turned as snow (extreme cold) patterns descend over the Northern Hemisphere in totally new and unexpected arrangements. The details would seem to indicate that ice storms will lock up so much water that other areas both regionally and globally will enter cold drought conditions not previously observed. There are even indications of winter glacial calving also not previously seen by modern humans.

As a side note, the data indicates that past civilization remnants will become exposed by the new ice patterns. These may not be directly visible to the general public, but the aware observer should be able to discern when this occurs due to the odd military/government personnel movements that will shift an interesting collection (of skilled persons) to unexpected (formerly ice covered) locations.

The data sets within the Terra entity continue to accrue into 2/two large groups in support of the oscillation sub set. The idea visually discernable even at the secondary support layers is that weather/climate will, from "Fall" of 2010 (Northern Hemisphere), be ever more sharply defined by duality in which the hot versus cold will express. In the data sets under the summer, Northern Hemisphere the accretion patterns indicate that the previous (cold) extremes will produce a land under water with flooding beyond anything so far seen by the current (last 13,000 years) crop of humans. The data sets are describing multiple continents, including Antarctica in which flooding will produce (long lasting) earth changes. These earth changes will be seen in the form of massive mud slides of a size and duration and devastation level akin to volcanic lahars. These mud slides are also indicated to produce long run out topology changes in which the areas over which the mud floods have past will be irrevocably changed. The idea is that the mud filled valleys will be left as there will be no point (no gain) in digging out from under the mud. The longer term data sets bring with them links to duration (of impact on humans) language that goes out 5/five generations, or approximately 105 years, and which indicates that habitations and farming will be done on the mud cap/hat/covering of the previous civilization. By the way, the previous civilization language refers to us guys here now.

The lands under water sub set also provides further support for the future pop sub set which evolves over time into FuturePop the entity. In this sub set we now can see that scavenging on the bones (of ) cities will be officially encouraged as a result of the levels (depth) of flooding and destruction. The data details give a glimpse of tribes of displaced peoples (diaspora victims) on all continents excepting Antarctica, where boat skills, and diving skills will be employed to recover the valuables and strategic materials covered under thousands *(of acres) of flooded lands.

Further accretion patterns within the Terra entity, and both GlobalPop and Populace of United States of America show that flooded lands, which is to say, the land with standing water upon it, will itself cause problems for local humans and animals and plants. The idea is that such places as military depots and commercial chemical sites/dumps will end up as wet toxic sumps and death areas after the initial and active flooding occurs. There are many instances within the flooding/floods/flooded lands sub set which provide a view of stagnant waters as well as new lakes and new rivers all of which have very long term value sums in their 'duration of impact' array elements. This means that both the Terra entity, and the two populace entities are forecasting multiple generation impacts to arise from the floods over the lands. The language within the newly accrued supporting details would suggest flooded lands that will be covered (with waters) for half a century or longer. Further, the covered lands (a.k.a. new lakes, inland seas) are not the only long term problem in that the data sets point to gouges left behind by the mud slides and flood waters that fundamentally alter/change the landscape. These scars on terra are all of long duration and many are indicated to cause/induce changes in the human populations and their activities/behavior forecast to still be on going/in process out to the mid 2030's.
It is within the flooded lands sub set that the details of previous forecasts for the FuturePop entity sub set are now appearing as being in our (near) longer term future. The data details are now showing growth in the sub sets for bottom (few) floors of sky tall buildings in major cities will be flooded over this next 2/two years. These flooded out sky scrapers (tall buildings) in major coastal cities are appearing as modelspace is progressed through Summer of 2011 and onward through to the extent of our longer term data which is about late Summer, 2012. In these details within the flooded lands there are sets that are specifically referencing coastal flooding that contain the growing sets for water tribes and pole people (those who live supported by poles in the water) in the 'developed' world. These new pole people have newly accreting sets for poling (small boats) down flooded city streets. There are also sets for wire as transportation being strung between the upper floors of buildings with basements/lower floors (under waters). According to the accruing data at the detail layers within the longer term value sets, many of the coastal cities will, at least temporarily, attempt to adjust/adapt to, more or less, permanent coastal flooding.

This area of the flooding and mud slides is extensively cross linked over to the diaspora sub sets in both the GlobalPop and Populace of United States of America entities. Further, there are also significant levels of cross links over to the Markets entity, though mostly these arise in mid to late Summer (Northern Hemisphere) 2011. Within a small number of the termination points within the GlobalPop entity are some that provide for benefits from the flooded lands. These benefits include redistribution (of) fertility (to flooded soils), and new coastal islands. The new coastal islands are an interesting sub set in that the islands would seem to appear with some rapidity, such that within 2/two years time there is human habitation being established.

Cross links between the Terra entity, sub set flooded lands, and the "Space Goat Farts" entity have a disproportionate level of the termination points being within sets relating to star positions, with specific references to Polaris, and Vega. The implication from the details of these sets would seem to be a visible shift within the track of the pole star. The only way that this set could manifest is to have the view from earth of the star positions be altered. The "Space Goat Farts" entity termination points are within very new sets with sparse levels of details, however it would appear that this is the first of the longer term detail levels to suggest actual, crustal
displacement, such that navigation star patterns, existent for over 13,000 years, will be changing in the near term future. Of course, this could just be due to a major level of discussion of pole star changes in the planetary media and not an actual change in the pole star.

The data sets accruing for the Terra entity as the entity is progressed through modelspace over 2010 and 2011 clearly suggest that global (planetary) climate disruption will play a large part in an emerging shift (of consensus view of earth/reality). The 2011 volcanic rush and its impacts on both human food production as well as planetary biota in general is showing as putting an end to "The Powers That Be" and their idea of human caused climate change. A sub set of the volcanoes flush (out lots of eruptions of magnitude) within the Terra entity is cross linked over to both the Markets entity and "The Powers That Be" entity. These cross links are seemingly suggesting the loss of hundreds of millions (of paper dollars) by "The Powers That Be" due to the collapse (of the carbon trading schemes) due to fantastic levels (of climate change) indicated to be triggered by the volcanoes blooms of (late) 2010, and 2011. The collapse (of the carbon trading scheme) is also cross linked over to the negative emotional period for "The Powers That Be" entity....more or less beginning in late January 2011.

Some of the sudden climate change sub sets within the Terra entity indicate that visible within the media in 2011 will be repeated discussions across the planet about the bizarre bloomings (patterns of plant blossom opening). These are described as all the spring and summer flowers trying to bloom at the same time, as well as spring flowers that form but do not open at least any time within the spring season. These static flowers have some linguistic support for opening (finally) in summer, but are described as without vigor and lacking life in enough cases to have mainstream media commenting on the poor signs from the plant world. The holding flowers will first get visibility within the southern hemisphere as they go into Spring (September, 2010).

The Terra entity has a number of plant related sets growing at a very rapid pace as modelspace is progressed through mid 2011. These include new plant species being discovered out in the wilds of nature that will appear to be mutants. Likely some of these will be blamed on Monsanto and the rockefeller push toward genetically modified plant life. However, some of these are also described as being opportune exposures of plants to exceptional radiation from space that will induce the
genetic alterations. These new plant species are further visible in the longer term future, and carry some duration of impact values that go out multiple generations (over 40/forty years).

Other aspect/attribute sets accrue to plants and animals as modelspace progresses the Terra entity through 2011 that indicate that severe (extreme) climate change will alter the landscape across 3/three continents in such a way as to change (permanently) the ecosystems of the affected areas. The idea is that new valleys, and permanently flooded areas will develop that will alter migration patterns as well as what used to be considered as normal plant species distribution. The view is of a north and south america altered by new weather patterns as well as volcanic output in large enough areas to affect (the) continents as a whole. Further weather pattern alterations for the Eurasian Continent are indicated to restructure agriculture for Russia, and especially Siberia. There are also sub sets for land mass growth that are attached to Siberia both as a linguistic set and presumably as a land mass. These new lands are indicated to come from volcanic expansion. The descriptors within the supporting sets point to new lands (peninsula) so large as to (participate) in the change of the northern Pacific ocean currents, as well as to alter wind patterns (over the northern Pacific ocean).

A number of wind related events within the Terra entity still are in support of the ill winds sub sets when modelspace is moved through 2010 and into 2011. Along with the "Space Goat Farts" entity, the Terra entity continues to grow its supporting sets for sun disease. The sun disease sub set within the Terra entity gains new aspect/attribute sets for the impacts of the solar patterns (sun spots?, filaments?) as 2010 fades into 2011. As with our forecasts for sun spasms over the 'summer' (Northern Hemisphere) in 2010 which have been more than adequately fulfilled, the linguistics are accruing in patterns that continue to forecast new sun spasms, and solar events that are as of yet, unknown and therefore unnamed (without appropriate labels). The Terra entity shows that solar patterns (sun spots?, filaments?) will surge again in late 2010 and are to be direct contributors to some highly impacting climate events here on earth during the transition into 2011.

The Terra entity maintains sun spasm and sun disease sub set growth for the duration of movement of modelspace through 2011 and out to July of 2012 which represents the far edge of our data granularity within the longer term data sets. The growth patterns suggest that a very solar active period is beginning. This is probably not a good sign for the longer term, but may well be good for those humans who use solar energy for cooking and such as the data suggests a whole lot of new solar energy is heading our way.

One of the more interesting sub sets under the sun disease within the Terra entity has very extensive cross links over to the Populace of United States of America and, to a lesser extent, over to the GlobalPop entity. These cross links have a disproportionately large termination base in sub sets relating to military subjects. These cross links are originating in areas of the sun disease sub set that are forecasting direct impacts, first on the military, and then the populace in general, of sun disease. The idea from the details seems to be that the American Military, then the Japanese populace, then the American populace, then the european militaries, in that order, will experience disruptions from the sun patterns (sun spots?, filaments?) that will disconnect much, if not all, of the ability (to) communicate. The details are suggesting a wave of high energy patterns (perhaps xrays?) that will cause satellite disruption over the course of several days, perhaps even weeks, in which communications will be erratic to say the least. These sets within the Terra entity are temporally related to high atmosphere phenomena that will also be occurring near or at the same time. Some of these upper level atmospheric phenomena are described as being non- natural, or created phenomena.

The satellite disruption period of 2011/2012 would seem to be a good temporal marker for the cousin alexi (space alien, hominid) appearance, as well as the first visibility of the salvage water tribes in several parts of the planet, and several of the new electrics developments (see "Space Goat Farts" below). Within the Terra entity sub sets that provide for sudden catastrophic climate change are a few that are extensively cross linked to the new poverty (of ireland (irish peoples) and specifically to a cast away/ displaced mother (red hair?) who will decide to walk-away her global problems by actually walking away (from) poverty toward authority. Apparently the walking woman will have a demand note that will be delivered to the "The Powers That Be" in the person of a far distant authority figure. The reason that this is present within the Terra entity, as well as the GlobalPop entity has to do with the sudden catastrophic climate change and the impact that the weather has on her very visible demand note walk. The temporal marker of the extreme summer weather for northern europe will be very much a part of this woman's walking journey, and will actually mark the first of the 2/two season years beginning.

The Terra entity also has a number of sets going to disruptions (of) "The Powers That Be" plans and plots by sudden catastrophic climate change. While many of the supporting sets for the disruption (by weather) sub sets within the "The Powers That Be" are military in nature, the Terra entity has a number of directly held sub sets that focus more on the members (and officialdom slaves) of "The Powers That Be" who will be caught out and caught off guard by extreme weather events. Some of these climate change episodes are described as throwing down (the "The Powers That Be" or high level officialdom/politicians) into the mire/muck/mud/sewers along with the peasants (citizens/humans) of the planet. These displaced and lost members of "The Powers That Be" will not all fare well, as several of the supporting sets are pointing to death and maiming that will be visible in the mainstream (propaganda/mind control) media. In the Terra entity there are several sets that point to another media worship dead member of "The Powers That Be" episode that is cut short by yet more extreme climate change. So the rich bastard is not only cut short (by the wall of mud), but then his/her worshipful funeral (by the slave press/zionists) is itself cut short by the very earth changes that caused the death.

As has been repeatedly noted throughout this report in nearly all the entities so far examined, the solar spasm of Summer 2010 {ed note: forecast a few months back, and actually manifest on August 1,2010} will end up being the small prelude to the actual solar disease manifestations of 2010/2011/2012. The solar spasms will begin to increase both in actual intensity as well as human drama over the rest of this year and through the next 2/two years. As the cycle (of) windings (equatorial versus polar spin rates delta) is the cause of the increasing solar tensions, and as these cycles have an 86.45 day period, the Terra entity will not be shaking violently at a constant enough rate to enable the sheeple to grasp what is occurring. Thus the Terra entity contains many cross links to the debates sub sets within the Populace of United States of America entity and the GlobalPop entity where the termination is within sub sets that include misdirection, and "The Powers That Be" lies, and huge numbers of supporting sets for lying propagandists (cable news). However, without regard to the bickering of humans, the data sets are indicating that the solar distress (disease/tensions) will continue to build/release on an 86+ day cycle with each new cycle bringing out progressively more violent discharges from the sun. The newly accreting long term values suggest that by Summer (Northern Hemisphere) 2011, there
will be an incident in which a filament connection will form between the sun and several of the planets that is indicated to stun many of the solar disease critics into lasting silence as the planet of humans is enveloped in solar system high energy drama.

Within the Terra entity there are a number of supporting sets for recovery from (repair of) water way damage that relates to earthquakes. Most of these references are geographically linked to the West Coast, North America. There are others scattered around the planet, including such oddities as finland, and sweden. However, the majority would appear to be focused on the pacific northwest of the north American continent as being the center of the water way damage. Noting that the term water way includes not only navigable waters, but also pipe lines and canals, it could be that the forecast for the repair of water way language is actually referring to potable water pipelines. Without regard to the type of water ways involved, the data would still suggest large enough damaging earthquakes such that it will take 8/eight months to repair the water ways. Unfortunately the data also suggests that no sooner shall the damages be repaired than the next solar spasm will occur and the earth will again shake loose the water ways. Oh well, so it goes....we needed the work to do anyway....

"Space Goat Farts" - Wakey-wakey, Baking PopeOvers, Puffin Planet, Time Spill Zones, Disappearing Shines, Rama Llama, SunDay AfterNoon

There has been some small, recent, accumulation of aspect/attribute sets going to the idea of a mass, planetary awakening (of humans to "The Powers That Be" and nature of reality). These newly accruing data sets do have cross links over to the "The Powers That Be" entity, where they do terminate in areas of sinking emotional sums. Stated yet another way, the "Space Goat Farts" entity data accretion patterns seemingly are suggesting that a mass, planetary wake-up of humans will begin to express itself in the linguistics of the *(currently mind control) mainstream media beginning in mid to late 2011. Now, please note this is the forecast of the appearance of the linguistic references, and NOT the actual mass planetary wake-up and coffee fest.

It is encouraging that these linguistic structures are appearing at all, but it is early days yet, and the accretion patterns in this linguistic structure are still growing. Indeed they are just appearing for the first time, so the expectation here is that discussion will be within mainstream media over 2011, but may be more attempts by "The Powers That Be" to misdirect or subsume or derail or infiltrate (for attempts at control) than any form of actual or suddenly manifesting wave of public enlightenment. Further note that this linguistic structure refers explicitly to an awakening of humans to the nature of "The Powers That Be" and reality in general. This structure is clearly, and explicitly supported by anti-religion language as religion is a mental control structure of the "The Powers That Be" and is certain to fail and fall as populace awakening occurs. Also please note that this section does not support rapture, conversions, appearance of (anybody's) god, and is also not supporting channeling, the emergence of ET's, nor any new age leader or movement. This area is also not political in its supporting linguistics.

What this area of "Space Goat Farts" is points toward a growing, enlarging, and visible manifestation of awareness (by rising numbers of the populace) of the nature of the "The Powers That Be", and reality (continuous creation/destruction or energetic universe).

Specifically this linguistic set is going to the idea that a discussion within the mainstream, mind control media including teevee and independent video will be taking place in 2011. It may start in late 2010, but the real social impact on a growing segment of the planetary populace will be a source of large scale visibility within the mainstream media throughout 2011. Further the data shows that confusion, and general mental disruption are a large part of this awakening as a process. Also there are explicit references to the actual nature (of) reality, and to the discarding (of) leaders and guru's. This is a necessary part of the process of enlightenment, that is, discarding one's reliance upon, and even burning out (one's) need (for) personal guru (leader).

An encouraging descriptor set indicates that within this awakening of planetary populace (to "The Powers That Be") will include, at the earlier stages, a visible temporal marker. This marker will involve the corporation (that is) scientology, which is after money and power (over adherents/mind slaves), having to face a reformation movement in scientology (the) religion. This temporal marker seems to indicate that scientology (the corporation) will really screw up, and be forced into suits against its own religion or believers. The details are a bit vague, but seemingly point toward law suits in which scientology as a corporation will be under attack (receivership?) due to their own words/actions (against) their mind slaves (believers).

And, they will not be alone. The data sets within "Space Goat Farts" point to a whole lot of bad days for religions coming up. As modelspace is progressed through November 2010 and past the tipping point of the 8th through the 11th, a series of religions (going down) linguistic sets appear. There are some indicating huge (sexual) scandals for both the Mormons and the Catholics. Yes, I am aware of the various factual charges against the catholic church, but the data sets are indicating that we have 'not seen anything yet'. There are hints within the details of true sexual atrocities including murder (for sexual power) charges that will be coming out in the future as religious organizations begin to crumble further. These sexual scandals are also indicated to overwhelm politicians (implicated), and to incite riots (by the formerly faithful mental slaves of the pedophilic priests/popes). The data sets would seem to indicate that street justice or mobs lynching priests will occur as 2011 moves a huge planetary populace from abysmal ignorance and slavery to the mental illness of religion and into whatever we will collectively call the other side...

As modelspace is progressed through January and February of 2011, the "Space Goat Farts" entity gains considerable support under the aspects of religions in chaos at the same time that solar disruptions, and planetary changes (here on earth as well as Mars, Moon, and Venus) also come into visibility within the mainstream media. The data suggests that as much as the owners/controllers of the mainstream media may wish to avoid discussion of emerging solar system changes, the mainstream media is so completely hosed in its credibility, that any under-reporting, or ignoring of important, daily stories about emerging circumstances is heaped upon the mounting evidence of social control by corrupt media and further erodes the audience for the liars of "The Powers That Be".

The data sets suggest that "The Powers That Be" are caught in their own trap. They can't risk having their mainstream media actually report the facts of manifesting circumstances, yet so much of the emerging reality of solar system changes including alterations of life here on earth will be daily visible at mass levels. Therefore every time that the mainstream (mind control) media does not report something of which the populace is generally aware, their credibility goes down. Yet they cannot discuss the events without causing much of their mind control messages to be imploded by manifesting reality.

The planetary mass awakening (to "The Powers That Be" and nature of reality) is part of a supporting structure that is under a social (civilization) disruption sub set that has extensive cross links over to the GlobalPop and Populace of United States of America entities as well as the "The Powers That Be" entity. The cross link chains bring over some level of support for the negative period for "The Powers That Be" as the data suggests that social disruption (as planned for profit by "The Powers That Be") will not manifest as "The Powers That Be" would have it, and rather seems to be suggesting that TPTB's own work (toward social chaos) will actually provide a huge level of emotional catalyst toward breakdown (of mind control by "The Powers That Be"). A significant amount of support for the negative emotional pattern of "The Powers That Be" entity is attached to the cross links from the "Space Goat Farts" entity sub set planetary mass awakening in such a manner as to form a self-reinforcing pattern. The idea coming across is that the mainstream media failures induce yet more mainstream media failures which become so large as to be self perpetuating even to the point of major personalities who will abandon their former roles as propagandists for "The Powers That Be". Some of these public conversions will undoubtedly be due to the violence expressed against name brand media personalities during the chaos years of 2011 and 2012, but some are also indicated to come from shallow (unthinking) people who had been seduced (by power/money) into propagandist roles, and who become shocked to discover the hatred being expressed toward them.

The "Space Goat Farts" entity, as it is moved through the second and third quarters of 2011, has a number of new sets that accrue in the religions sub set. The "Space Goat Farts" religions sub set is very extensively cross linked into the "The Powers That Be" entity where the points of termination are also within those sets that start to drain away emotional tone from January 2011 onward. Within the "Space Goat Farts" entity the religions sub set are supported at the primary level by chaos, and further by contention, and dissolution. These sub sets in their turn are internally cross linked over to exposure, and revealing (secrets) that are observed growing within the detail layers from late September 2010. The details first start appearing then, and grow in support all through the remainder of 2011, but do not reach visibility until late in December of 2010. From that point on, the data sets are pointing toward new scandals, and new (flow) of corruption which, within the "Space Goat Farts" sub set, are described as bringing (to) retribution the exposed (religion) leaders. The pool of priests (ministers/et al) is explicitly shown as dissolving (dissipating) over a period so short as to shock the heads (leaders)

Further erosion of support (and specifically money) for the churches (religions in general) comes from the increasing texture of time sub sets within the "Space Goat Farts" entity. These sub sets are the same ones that provided the hyperchronism forecasts. These sub sets include other temporal effects {ed note: or rather effects of temporal change} that will increase over 2011 and 2012. The increased rate of temporal effects is also indicated to increase the total populace (who have personal experience) of the temporal effects such that religions (and their lame ass stories and explanations) are left behind by the personal experience of the new temporality. The "Space Goat Farts" and the Populace of United States of America entity, and to a lesser extent, the GlobalPop entity are indicating that rigid (mind sets) will fail the mind for many people (perhaps millions) as the shifting nature of chronos and karios are personally experienced by ever larger numbers of humans over these next 2/two years. There are a disproportionately large number of cross links to the Populace of United States of America relative to the hyperchronism and tactile karios {ed note: our new label for the experience of 'feeling' or 'eating' the 'quality of time'}. This proportionate inequality with the Populace of United States of America entity may relate to the larger number of time labs as well as shadow government secret technology sites within the the United States of America causing something of a time spill zone to exist. Or, alternatively, the cross links could be the result of the higher emotional impact that such experiences are forecast to have on the rigid minds (of the) fundamentally religious of which there are more in the the United States of America than elsewhere.

The "Space Goat Farts" entity, from the first moves of modelspace through 2011, has newly forming sub sets with rapid growth that indicate that the shadow military (government) of officially hidden, and non existent projects will be impacting (slamming into) a couple of walls (hard stops) due to both the crashing the United States of America (anglosphere) economy) as well as drying up (evaporated) hoards of strategic materials. One of these strategic materials that is apparently a serious key element to the plans (of the) shadow empire government and army is silver. The silver shortage is also indicated to be felt within the production systems of the shadow government world. The impact (of no silver) is indicated to not only bring pressure on the plans of the shadow elite, but also to pressure (the continued) secret existence of the shadow world operations. Further, for reasons not now known, the data would seem to suggest that the sources
of silver available to the shadow operations world had suddenly been reduced due to unexpected demand (ramp up in secret wars?). This silver shortage is emotionally charged within the "Space Goat Farts" entity to the extent that the data suggests that shadow empire world finds that it must press upon/lean upon its mainstream world stooges in an attempt to gain more sources of above ground silver. The data sets within the "Space Goat Farts" entity and its cross linked termination sets in the Markets entity are pointing to something of a silver shortage crisis affecting the shadow empire over mid to late 2011.

Other aspect/attributes growing in support of the hard stops for the shadow government include a large linguistic structure that is also in direct support for new electrics. The new aspect/attributes in support of the new electrics are also going to impact the silver shortage. However, the new electrics sub set shows growth for a biting through (persecution/restraints) in the silver shortage and the discovery of micro allocations in natural alloys. The micro allocations are somehow a matrix or sponge of lined holes {ed note: best we can extract from the data sets...lots of unknowns} that will be the solution to the silver shortage crisis, though this will not seemingly remove the strategic materials problems from the shadow government. According to the data sets this vibrating sponge material will be a best and first solution to the power source for the new electrics though it will also not be *the best, nor the last solution over the next few decades.

In spite of the fires raging now in Russia, and next year in Siberia, the data sets indicate that the Siberian couple (young man and woman) who are to be associated as one of the many faces of the new electrics generation will becoming visible over early to mid 2011. The Siberian couple sub sets are gaining new growth from oil company and battle (with BP in Russia/Siberia) aspect/attributes sets. As the data sets would seem to suggest, the Siberian couple will be not only the face of new electrics, but also the face (of the) replacement (of) oil. The Siberian couple are described in the aspect/attribute sets that accrue over mid 2011 as being survivors (of assassination) that will backfire on the oil company such that the emotional tone felt in the the United States of America about BP, will also be blanketing Russia (and) Siberia. Further problems are indicated to come from the chinese populace as lung crushing poisons will be causing death in a twist (of the oil problem) that will go south into northern China.

The new electrics sub set is indicated to progress to a near term culmination, in spite of the repression (from the UN?) that will be pressed down over early 2011. The new electrics apparently will be fruitfully applied in surreptitious manner across the planet (of humans) in 2011 and early 2012. These applications of the first of the new electrics are indicated to be made illegal by "The Powers That Be", but by then the aspect/attribute sets are describing the repression attempt as laughable. Part of the new electrics sub set growth is going to a spring (mechanism) that will be created (found?) by an Italian researcher who will bring out the spring (mechanism) that will in its turn allow for the Indian (Hindu) electrics device to come on line. The descriptor sets also include Canadian materials as a participant in the initial forming (creation/development) of the PPP (portable power plant) that is indicated to reshape (redefine) Hindu society and then the world (by new electrics). A key point here is that very tightly knitted cross links bind the Siberian couple to the Hindu electric device with Canadian materials (crystals?) and now the Italian spring mechanism. Please note the spring mechanism is likely a very poor descriptor for as yet unknown, and unnamed invention. Further, the PPP (portable power plant descriptor set is filled with silver references and very heavy cross links over to the silver sub set of markets.

The same social order altering dynamics that are in the supporting sub sets for the new electrics and specifically their impact (change) of Hindu society (poof goes the caste system?) as virtually free power begins flowing are also indicated to bring about a transformation of the the United States of America social order. These sub sets that are within the the United States of America associated linguistics in the supporting sets for the new electrics are growing in 2/two time frames with some rapidity. The first growth period is for late 2011 and through to about May of 2012. The second is a next (new) generation (human, not power) sub set that has longer term associated values within the lexicon that take its impact to about 2018 or so. Perhaps just a bit later, into early 2019. These sets are neither completely supported nor cohesively connected to the Populace of United States of America. However it must be noted that they are tightly bound to the North America geographic references. It may be that by the time that the 2018/2019 winter comes, the the United States of America will not exist as a political entity, and therefore the north American sub set references are more meaningful. Just a guess about some puzzling linguistics.
Within the "Space Goat Farts" entity, the the United States of America associated sub sets also provide some clues to a large puzzle in the form of linguistics that continue to grow support for riots (food) that lead to exposure (of) underground bases, among other sets for riots (over "The Powers That Be" and economic corruption) that in turn lead to mob assaults on suburban 'gated' communities. Further the social disruption (degradation) sub set also participates within the growing accretion patterns for massive popular actions (uprising?, slave revolts?) in and around officialdom (government) buildings. These riots near 'government' facilities have several cross links back over to the Populace of United States of America entity where the termination points go to the idea that in 2011, the officialdom will declare 'public' buildings (and other 'public' property) to be off limits to the 'public'. In the "Space Goat Farts" entity the emotional sums for the escorted (armed) entrance to public buildings sub set is very high in the support for the active revolution meme back over in the Populace of United States of America entity.

The "Space Goat Farts" entity has a curious juxtaposition of supporting sets of different themes in that the riots (in the the United States of America) will somehow combine with the Italian spring invention leading to the PPP (portable (free) power plant to produce a very long term effect of high level thinking (enlightenment?) that is indicated to make the the United States of America something of a wisdom destination over the next 2/two generations. The data sets have supporting sets indicating that "The Powers That Be" get freaked out by the wisdom crafts of the north Americans even as early as late 2011, and that persecutions are attempted. It would appear that the attempt (to intimidate) some of the recently knowing people (those who know? Enlightened?) will cause some visible hiccups in the "The Powers That Be" as reports (of) hauntings of "The Powers That Be" by naked (aggressive) ghosts will come out as the persecuted take the awareness back to "The Powers That Be". The data sets indicate that within a very short time, the persecutions are halted as the "The Powers That Be" don't like all the naked folk hanging around observing ("The Powers That Be") every move. Hmmm, can't run a secret society driven world if you can't have secrets....

The many cross links over to the Terra entity within the "Space Goat Farts" entity go to the general impression of reinforcing the idea of sudden, catastrophic climate change. The sudden aspect would appear to be just a 'felt' component for some of the less aware humans on the planet, as the catastrophic climate change is definitively here, now. The "Space Goat Farts" entity is suggesting that vast areas of several continents will undergo visible changes over late 2010 and all of 2011 and 2012 such that the sub
set for future populace will actually take some large steps toward becoming FuturePop, the entity. These sub sets in support of the future populace descriptor set include the rise of the coastal scavenger water tribes over these next 2/two years. The recent destruction within the Gulf of Mexico is not the end of the coastal problems in the region, and the data sets are pointing toward earthquakes and ocean alterations as causing habitation problems along the Gulf of Mexico both north and south. The habitation problems sub sets have supporting details for underwater resources that include formerly dry land now submerged places with enough strategic (required) materials to warrant salvage operations. These underwater resources leading to local salvage water tribes are not limited to the gulf of mexico. They also show up with other geographic associations as the oceans sub sets are pointing toward big changes. The longer term value sets under oceans both in the Terra entity and by cross link to unknown and officially denied sub set of "Space Goat Farts" entity, as well as by directly held values within the oceans sub set of the "Space Goat Farts" entity are all suggestive of very very large changes within the relationship of humans to planetary ocean waters. These change of state indicators would seem to be suggesting that a multiple year process will become more active in so far as humans are able to perceive over these next years as the sun to earth interaction accelerates to new levels of energy transfer. These sub sets contain the older sub sets for new lands rising. The new lands rising forecast linguistics are just now beginning to appear with increasing volume, and that trend points toward mid 2011 as the first of the major waves of the new oceans being visible.

The "Space Goat Farts" entity has cross links to the oceans and new lands rising within the Terra entity from the solar (sun) spasms (energy transfer) sub sets. These sets show that the solar discharge(s) of 2011 and 2012 will be pivotal for new ocean (floor) arrangements. These solar discharges are also fully supported by climate change sub sets indicating (new position) glaciers will be forming at the same time as changes in ocean chemistry participate in floods and droughts as the climate goes wonky across the planet.

The data sets for the remnants of Rama (the spaceship wars debris fields falling (floating) to earth context) continue to grow. The "Space Goat Farts" entity has very thick cross links over to "The Powers That Be" and the termination point is within one of their larger 'fear' groups. The data sets within the "Space Goat Farts" entity gain large mass, as well as higher emotional impactsums, beginning in early Summer, 2011. These growth patterns are coincident with, and parallel to the growth within the populace entities for riots (food) and political order collapse in a number of regions of the planet. The data sets within the "Space Goat Farts" entity for late Summer (Northern Hemisphere) of 2011 seem to indicate that planetary communications disruptions can or will be blamed in part on space debris that will have originated from a spectacular skirmish in near earth orbit. Apparently in at least one instance, the debris will have a very highly visible entry to the mass consciousness of the planetary populace. The detail sets in support of this sub set would seem to indicate something of an effect on planetary humans across a very wide swath of the planet as the debris field comes into the atmosphere. There are some details suggesting that the high Andes mountains will end up with the largest group of the remnants, or at least the most preserved. These details would have llama caravans be used to extract the more valuable remnants of space ships from the valleys (and) hill sides.

Not all of the upper atmosphere events of 2011 and 2012 will be so visible, nor as exciting as the remnants of Rama raining down on unsuspecting humans. Some, though virtually unnoticed at first will ultimately be far more impacting. The supporting sets for high altitude upper atmospheric events include a few under the primary support of electrics that would seem to indicate a series or group of higher energy (frequency) pulses that are described as shorting/seizing (or causing cessation) of refined electrical machines. These include not only military satellites, but in some instances of people in planes, will also include pacemakers. Further, other medical devices are indicated to also be affected by pulses of higher energy particles over the extremes (of the) sun spasms of summer (Northern Hemisphere) 2011 and all the way out through summer (Northern Hemisphere) 2012. These solar electric interference days are described as eliciting lots of talk within the "The Powers That Be" and the general populace, but in the end, the talk will come to nothing. The 'conclusions' from "The Powers That Be" and their lame-ass Sorcerers/Scientists will be more demonstrations of the advantages of an education up to the PHD level as the "The Powers That Be" science stooges Pile (shit) Higher (and) Deeper on the remaining unaware sheeple.

Conclusion: PPBEWPNA

This Shape of Things to Come report has proven to be a very challenging task. The data was so 'crisp' and specific that we had to dump modelspace, and reload just to be sure about the processing. The effort neither changed the data nor our emotional response to it.

The current data flow in the longer term value sets does not bode well for humans or other life on earth over these next few years. The solar spasms are indicated to not only continue, but to enlarge their impact on humans and other life in the solar system to the extent that much of the data for early 2012 would seem to indicate that the aware observer, and indeed, many not so aware sheeple, will be organizing their lives around the solar output cycles.

I have been asked repeatedly about the claims made by many in the new age religions that 'ascension' is coming for 'those who do the work'. My initial response is "total bullshit". Then I took the time to examine all the 'evidence' presented about the DNA 'awakening' arguments, as well as the 'Russian scientist/science' in support of this idea of an actual, physical shift into 'another dimension' coming due to what the "Space Goat Farts" entity data describes as unknown energies from space. Now my opinion has changed to the point where I acknowledge that this is "completely and totally bullshit". First I note that the Russian Scientists being cited are discredited, and never-was within Russian science, and then their 'evidence' is examined to be found to be the sloppiest of poor lab work, and badly designed experiments or studies. On the whole I had thought the 'ascension' movement to be yet-another-example of the 'external savior myth' that was exploited by  "The Powers That Be" when they created Christianity and Islam. I still favor that opinion. This external savior myth has been inculcated into the base, brain complex of humans and our social order, and even those new age 'thinkers' or 'researchers' who pride themselves on 'discovering the answers' to all the ancient mysteries by thinking outside the box, have actually, only slightly expanded the box, and not their thinking.

DNA of existing creatures, that is to say, non embryonic life, cannot change without killing the lifeform. This is proven over decades of transplant of organs where medicine has to work continuously to suppress DNA battles between recipient and their new organs. Further, the whole literature of the genetic alteration approach to disease control is filled with the examples of DNA alterations as side effects that kill people and animal recipients. And rapidly it would seem. So the idea that some burst of energy will come along and zap a person's DNA and they will then vibrate into another dimension of reality is bullshit Oh, they may well make it to another dimension, but their body will be left behind not due to rapture or ascension, but from death by unknown energies from space. However, rational thought is not indicated to prevail, at least in our longer term values forecast, and so I expect to see a real ramping up of the faces and fortunes of the New Age Ascension crowd. Note however, that soon some scandals will emerge within this group that will be eerily similar to the Amy Semple McPherson (Four Square Church) scandals that appeared in the last Great Depression.

Also the data suggests that by late 2011, the whole ascension new age hope movement will be dying along with the concept of redemption/savior from external sources {ed note: this last also includes the idea of 'benevolent ET's coming to save humans collective butt} as the solar disease creates some spectacular effects and impacts here on earth.

So the conclusion to this report is that Peach Pie is Best, Except When Peaches are Not Available. PPBEWPNA.....that is our conclusion, and we are sticking to it...or rather, if the peach pie is well done, some of it will be sticking to us.

Too hot to use the indoor gas oven today (August 15, 2010), so we will take advantage of one of the rare, oh so rare, chemtrail free days to cook our peach pie outside in the solar box oven. I had cathy purchase a new Sun Oven for us this year, as, even with the chemtrails, the ovens seem to only last a decade or so, and the forecast from the data sets is that many more sun baking days are headed our way.....including a few that will make us think we are all in a microwave cooker. But that is worries for another day, and today, the focus is pie. Peach pie. Sun baked, eaten warm, savoring the stickyness of life at its best.

And since the sun cooks slowly, from the inside out, plenty of time for naps while time matures fruit, wheat, fats, sugars, and effort into pie....



The Shape of Things to Come
Volume 0, Issue 8 Data Set Analysis

Asymmetric Language Trend
Analysis Interpretation

and Predictions for 2010/2011

By Clif High

Copyright 2010

The Shape Of Things To Come v0i8

Copyright 2010

By Clif High All Rights Reserved

Disclaimer: This forecast is real. A person would still be an idiot to make decisions based solely on their interpretation of my interpretation of strange data patterns. Universe rewards thinking. Everyone should try it for themselves at least once. Now would be a good time. It does not hurt as much as you might thing.
Personal note: Thanks for assistance offers

Thank you very much to all of the many offers for hosting assistance after the recent 'availability issues' surfaced for our site. It will not be necessary (at this time), but it was very good of you to offer. It turns out we were summarily (note the older usage of that word) removed from our ISP due to the single word of 'fraud' being put into our record there. Noting that we have had the face of HPH at that ISP since 2003, the timing of this 'fraud' word appearing and its results are curious to say the least. I have yet to be contacted by the 'special department' as was promised by the customer support group, and only found out about the fraud notation in our file due to having to reconcile the accounting. They continued to expect payment in spite of having chucked us out and yanked our files off their machine (and back ups) or so I hear. So, someone decided that HPH was fraud, and decided to 'shit can' us, in the parlance of the times. Oh well, what the hell. I guess I am just tragically dense, so we keep on keeping on.

As an aside, I was hoping to get to speak with the 'special department' as Igor and I have a bet as to whether they will turn out to be MIB (men in black!), or not. Either way would be interesting. If they are MIB, maybe we already met them and they flashy thinged us! The horror of never knowing!

Which brings us to....

Tipping Point: Why we don't know, and what we think we do know... The problem that we face with our data can be described in the following analogy. We all driving a car across a long, largely flat terrain. Off in the far distance we can see hills rising up into mountains. In these hills, facing us, is a large, brilliantly white stripe along a large distance across one of the hills. We cannot tell what is causing this intense light display, though we can clearly see it from some distance away, both the distance and the brilliance (intensity) of the light mask its origin. We can see the stripe reflecting the light for some considerable time as we cross the long, flat terrain. All through the time crossing the plain, the intense white light is visible, but no more discernable.

Then, we reach the boundary between the flatlands and the hills. As we drive into the hills, the very nearness to the light display distorts its nature as each bend in the road reveals or conceals more of the phenomenen. Anxiously 10/20/2010

A species significant event relating to the coagulation of the abstraction of paper debt (of all kinds) will emerge in November causing a planetary currency crisis to play out over these next few months. This will change the planetary perception of how the world operates. This change will be more significant than all of the elitists' false flags, and bogus wars or rigged elections of the last sixty years combined. ALL of the tipping point linguistic sets accruing after November 8th contain some sub set revolving around the dollar coagulation or currency destruction (confidence or lack thereof). Do not be fooled. The currency destruction wave will wash your old life away. Be prepared to be a currency castaway.

Solar system level changes will impact earth. The terrestrial civilization of humans will be altered by the direct and indirect solar system changes. These will include sudden catastrophic climate change, food crop crises, oceanic disruption, and atmospheric well as the mundane such as 1000 year floods. The solar system will apparently provide a 'disaster sample pack' that will participate in the November tipping point. The sample pack is due to start arriving on October 27.

The good news is that the Israeli mistake language set is not growing as fast as it has in the past. This may be meaningful, though looking upward around every twist in the road, we finally round the last bend only to discover that the large, intense, gleaming white band is in fact, a newly painted white picket fence. From our perspective on the long dusty road the whole of the light display was cohesive and seemingly of a single cohesive nature. When we arrive at the phenomenen, each of the brilliantly gleaming pickets is seen as contributing its share to the overall impression of the long white light display. Standing just in front of the beginning of the fence, who is to say which picket in the fence is more that we can see that there are so many of them.

This is the dilemma that we face...standing this close to the edge, the only thing in focus is minutia, and that changes with the direction of our vision.

What we think we know about November 2010 and the tipping point forecast for the 8th through the 11th can be summed up easily. So what follows is a brief view of some of the 'pickets' in the tipping point fence.

not necessarily in a good way. We note that one of the constraints against the Corporate attack on Iran will soon be removed, and that is the 'stability of the global economy'. Plus the stock of jet fuel purchased by the shadow government from the Americans with American aid money has a finite operating span. It degrades rapidly once the process begins, sooooo if it is to be used, the sooner (for the fuel effectiveness), the better. Thus the drop off in growth of the language sets could be due to either the fading emotional energy being given to the attack, or to the nearness of the event. We will know soon enough.

A very disruptive and unanticipated social shock and political disruption is coming to the the United States of America. The social and political shock to the system is not related to the elections (at least directly). It will surface after the elections. It is coincident with the dollar death. It involves the crime cabal of the Federal Reserve system as well as a number of very senior people in the upper minion classes. The speed of the shock going through the American social (political) system will produce a what-the-fuck! moment for most of the Populace/ the United States of America as well as much of the rest of terrestrial humanity.

All of this is expanded upon in what follows.

Meta Arts: PreEcho, NearNatural, YAFU

A spooky temporal marker pre-echo has emerged with the recent stories about the large earthquake drill for police in Britain. The exercise involved large numbers of personnel, many hundreds of fake victims, and the scenario went toward reaction training to an 8.0 earthquake, or as local officialdom put it, 'a near Haiti-like event'. There were a number of articles about the training in the British press, some rather critical of the spending of so much money on a probability so low {ed note: only 8 people killed by earthquake in Britain in last 1000 years} as a major earthquake event, especially during such times of economic hardship as we now endure. So the question arises, even within the more tamed mainstream media, "why?", why indeed? And the language clues slipping out from the minor minion classes of the British establishment may be providing a reason.....scalar, or Hyperdimensional weapons. As had been noted in previous Shape reports, there is some potential that the next Great Global War, currently scheduled by "The Powers That Be" {ed note: The Powers That Be} for some time this next year with our thinking focused on November 2010, may, just *may slip right through nuclear weapons and into Scalar Warfare weapons. Also known as
Hyperdimensional, and Frequency Weapons, and directed Energy Weapons, the idea from the data in previous reports was that World War Last would slip into Scalar Warfare very early in the process. Scalar warfare would express itself symptomatically as near natural disasters. Such could include very out of place, major earthquakes, or sustained earthquakes (in place, low but annoying frequency that went on for days), or bizarre weather (over land hurricanes), or bizarre weather (desert snow storms or flash floods). Other symptoms of Scalar Warfare could include the melting down (of electrical infrastructure) among other infrastructure potentials (shaking a bridge down as an instance via resonance level earthquakes).

The recent press conference, here in the the United States of America, concerning the intervention of space Aliens (UFO's) in nuclear launch site operations both here in the the United States of America and England constitutes the manifestation of the Alien Wars meme into mainstream media {ed note: as forecast} yet again. This most recent exposure of the Alien Wars has been forecast as being the 'thin edge of a very short wedge'. The forecast language would seem to be emerging with increasing frequency as well as intensity. Hmmm... probably a trend.

The planned 'fire off' of the CERN Large Hadron Collider on November 9th has sparked a flurry of concern globally that 'strangelets' could be produced. My personal view of reality, that is to say, the energetic nature of the continuous creation/destruction model of universe, would suggest that all of the intense hunting for ever smaller 'particles' is a total waste of time and resources, and further that strangelets can neither exist, nor cause ultimate doom. However, this is not to say that CERN LHC is safe. The screwing around with energetic universe by the LHC Scientists, especially those with the darker shadows, can well have very negative consequences for this planet. The real danger of the LHC goes totally unappreciated by the 'Scientists' currently stuck in their 'material world view' of universe. The LHC is capable of causing quite a few disturbances up the energy vibration chain from material reality that potentially can produce very very very negative results for life as we know it. The good news is that the mere presence of the equipment and all the energy going into the LHC is certainly known to UpFrequency LIFE in universe, and as universe has self balancing mechanisms in place, including Life and Consciousness, I do not expect to perish via planetary conversion to LHC produced strangelets....actually, I
am expecting the LHC to go YAFU (yet-another-fuck-up) when they throw the switch for the strangelets experiment.

The largest of the pre-echo events of recent days has been the meltdown in the ability to transfer property, i.e. 'foreclosures'. We here at HPH have been talking for over 7/seven years about the pending time when property transfers would no longer occur in the the United States of America. We have demonstrably arrived at that long anticipated point in time. The foreclosure mess in the courts is but the beginning of a complex sift in the gigantic financial system that dominates planet terra. The forecast language is now appearing in the plethora of msm (mainstream media = propaganda press) stories about the hold / cessation and holiday on foreclosures. This last is a significant, and recent {ed note: as of October 12, 2010 when 'foreclosure holiday' started appearing on the dollar shill media such as Fox Business and CNBC} and is related directly to banks and thus we have actually arrived at the first appearance of bank holiday language in the the United States of America (minion run) press. This likely is the beginning of a very wide meme that will see the upcoming days and weeks moving the the United States of America populace inexorably toward more explicit types of bank holidays.

Disregarding the recent first appearance of the holiday word in association with banks, we note that the pre-echo, that we reported in January and February of this year (2010), of a pending planetary currency crisis has arrived now that we are in Fall 2010. The number of references to currency across the mainstream media is up several tens of thousands of percent since our first temporal clues to the pending currency crisis first appeared over 8 years ago, and most significantly, this already enlarged language set is now rapidly engorging as more and more reports of 'currencies' and their many 'woes' are being televised every day.

Meta Data

I had taken some rough treatment for my choice of 'coagulation' as the wording for the process of the collapse of the paper debt based, United states of America dollar as global reserve currency. My response in the past had been to 'wait and see'. Now I invite critics of that choice to 'think about the mortgage mess here in the United states of America'. The feeling that is generated by those thoughts....that! is what 'coagulation' feels like.

The immediacy data as well as the first of the shorter term data sets analyzed for 2011 are describing a rapid, and visible (noticed/observed) change in the order of magnitude of sudden catastrophic climate change. The Terra entity has several linguistic sets that appear, and grow as modelspace is progressed into January 2011. These new sets are commonly supported by aspect/attributes that are all bringing in very high visibility numbers.

The rapidity descriptor as well as the visibility numbers are combining within the supporting sets of the sudden catastrophic climate change sub set. Within that sub set there are newly appearing sets for visible (changes/alterations) within oceanic currents.

Note that destructive climate change is indicated to include ripple-on (cascading) disasters as natural events will induce/cause disaster in human infrastructure. The detail layers of this set are repetitiously filled with aspect/attribute sets for such links as excessive rains and destroyed dams. Or excessive rains (flooding) and destroyed water systems (potable/waste), or excessive rains (flooding), and destroyed roads. The idea comes across really easily. As an aside, the excessive rains sub set is going to be affecting all kinds of infrastructure globally over the Winter of 2010/2011 and well into Summer 2011 {ed note: the farthest out we can push the values now}. The infrastructure elements cited within the data include roads/roadways, canals/harbors/marinas, ports, stockyards, resorts (both beach and mountain), conference centers, churches, cemeteries, rail yards, subway systems, electrical systems, communications systems, internet delivery, and satellite systems among many others. This last, the satellite systems are going to be impacted both by ground based flooding, but also, apparently, by dense water vapor masses, which we shall presume will be in the upper atmosphere and causing reception issues. This is apparently one of the larger emotional pressures as it will also affect telephony service.

Other terra intrusion issues for late 2010 and especially 2011 will include the long feared {ed note: high military word association here around the fear sub set details} separation of the ice mass within Antarctica. This separation is described as not complete (in one go/shortly), but nonetheless will be both highly visible within the msm mainstream media, as well as damaging. The damaging sub set within the supporting layers here in the Terra entity sub set Antarctica and sub set separation contains
specifically focused supporting sets indicating that not only will the weather (and climate) globally be damaged by the separation of the ice mass, but also the public (populace) perception of life here on earth and everything will be severely damaged. This planetary populace perception damage is where we find the largest number of cross links, and not surprisingly, a huge number of these are going over to the Populace of United States of America, and the GlobalPop entity. What may be surprising is that the other cross links are dominated not by "The Powers That Be" entity as I suspected would be the case, but rather by the Markets entity. The level of cross links over to the Markets entity is several times that of the number over to the "The Powers That Be" entity. The Markets entity termination points are also surprising as they are predominately within areas related to currency, and global currency settlements, and such. This may simply be a temporal relationship, though there are some indications that the perception shift relating to the sudden catastrophic climate change will also participate in the planetary social order shift of 2011 that is directly related to the currencies confidence collapse of late 2010.

The Terra entity is also indicating that October 27 (perhaps also the 28th) will include not only solar disruptions that are visible, but also extremes (of ) planetary behavior. These are to include severely striking(s) storms, as well as a probable earthquake that will produce damages. {ed note: I know, I know, the whole earthquake prediction thing is usually wrong...but it is there in the data so I have to put it in the report}. The earthquake sub set is *not as large as the extreme (severe) storm strike, but nonetheless is part of the last of the building tension (from Terra entity) prior to the November tipping point. The data is filled with oceanic and coastal references, as well as waves (of earth movement). Further there are indicators for damage (to pipeline infrastructure (of all kinds)), and large scale electrical power loss. Hmmm....there are once again, PNW indicators so I guess it is time to get to that equalizing charge on the battery array. Also it may be very prescient that universe has been kicking my ass on getting Q'oki-oki into skookum condition as there are further floods, and sealing mud slides in the extreme weather slap showing in the immediacy data sets. The data would seem to suggest that solar pressures will induce planetary atmospheric storming from October 27th onward. Further that this storming will include excessive rains that produce prodigious flooding. Once again, it would seem, we are about to get some 1000 (one thousand) year floods. These floods are also indicated, at the global level, to negatively impact the food distribution system. Further,
there are some areas of the Northern Hemisphere that will receive hot floods ?? which are showing as having a persistent impact on local agriculture. This may be indicating yet more 'toxic sludge' kind of problems appearing due to excessive rainfalls in just the wrong places.

The Terra entity contributes about 9 per cent of the shifting emotional values during the 4/four days of the tipping point, but thereafter continues to participate in the release language in the 'intensity' value rise and the 'duration of impact' value rise, as well as the shift into release language type. This basically means that whatever else humans are dealing with from November 8th through to February 2011 will include a continuing and consistent level of terra intrusions. This may, that is, just may be indicative of a large Terra event at the beginning of the period, say a large storm or earthquake, that causes so much damage that the toll of the effects is still being taken in late January, 2011.

We also need to note that during the late November onward release language, a significant percentage of the shift, say around 10 to 20 per cent is directly related to the continuing terra intrusions. This means that as the global economic structure crumbles, it will be pushed along by the accelerating earth changes that will be manifesting in such a way as to constitute somewhere around 20% of the release language heard on msm (Main Stream Media) daily. Further the accretion patterns are coming in with space based sub sets at over 28 per cent of the total. This is a huge percentage for a single context sub set in such a large entity. If that were not enough, we have most of the 10 to 20 percent of the msm release language that is weather or climate related now cross linked back over to the "Space Goat Farts" entity where the origination points are mostly in the unknown energies from space sub set. Hmmmm.

The rising trend of accretion of Terra entity supporting sub sets with both or either space sub set (within Terra entity) or "Space Goat Farts" cross links continues as modelspace is progressed into 2011. Even as the sparse shorter term values, and even sparser, longer term values are considered, the trend continues for space association to earth climate abnormalities all the way through into Fall of 2011. At that point the very large blossoming of Alien Wars and all things space related overwhelms the visual clues, but there is no reason to think now, that the trend will end then. Clear as the bottom of your foot at midnight on a moonless night? In other words, the trend of mainstream media to bring up the sun with earth weather/climate freak
outs will increase noticeably from November this year through at least until November of next year (2011). This is probably not a good sign for those humans who prefer normality to reality.

"The whole world has gone mad!" So the data accretion patterns are saying that the old Russian man will say after being rescued from the lake of killer mud created by torrential rains that will seemingly come to curse the southern highlands. Of course he will probably say it in Russian, and the aspect/attribute sets within the detail layers of the Terra entity have lots of geographic references for russia, as well as specific sub regions, that spread in a rough arc from the deep grasses (of the wild strawberry plains) up through the rising hills (cossak country), and across to the southern timbered regions. In the Terra entity detail layers, if we collect the russian and russo-sino geographic references into a sub set on location as a criteria, a pattern emerges that suggests that the winter 2010/2011 in the Northern Hemisphere will be especially troublesome for humans and other life, but no where more so than this arc of intensity across western and southern russia. The abnormality of the pressure systems that will box in the rivers of rains will be so unusual as to evoke wonder (in cyrillic press) about weather interference. However, the data sets that we have do not speak to cause, only results, and as such, the russian weather forecasting service as well as their emergency services sector of their social order need to be preparing for a distinct rise in the intensity of their work. The data suggests that mud in general, and mud slides in particular, as well as hill sides slides will be a cause of much grief over this Winter and well into Spring 2011. Further the Terra entity has new sets within the shorter term data sets that point to a natural dam being created by a hill side slide that will produce a lake that in its turn will cause flooding in about four/4 months time. This being a dualistic universe, there is also the opposite side of the linguistic set showing up in the details. In this case a man made dam will suffer some dam consequences when 3/three years of rain falls in less than 1/one week.

Other parts of the planet are also not to be immune from rains beyond understanding, or excessive rain loads. Some of the more violent and disruptive of the rains will involve turkey. This is a dualistic meme here in that both the country side of turkey and the populace of turkey have separate sets containing many flood and flooding damage due to years of rain in short period sets. The set for the populace of turkey also contains references to a team (likely military) of dive specialists who will be
visible in the main stream (global) press during an *inland* rescue of some really tricky /risky/heroic kind. As we do not have much in the way of details accruing, and what we do have for the heroic water rescue is from the early shorter term values, it would appear that the problem (likely huge floods from excessive and unseasonable rains) will not be occurring until after the Winter solstice (December 21, 2010). There are also some small number of details that could be interpreted as though the turkish military dive guys are recruited to rescue people trapped (by inland flooding) in another nation.

Along with the flooding that will impact unusual places {ed note: areas not known to flood, ever}, there are some indications in the Terra entity that duality bites in Winter 2010/2011 in that twins (two disasters simultaneously) will be visible in several areas. The cross links to the GlobalPop entity are forecasting that both greater british isles, and coastal France (northern?) will be pummeled by a two-punch (two strikes) disaster. Curiously, given the extremely odd pre-echo of earthquake drills in Britain, one of the twins showing is an earthquake. This is described as a channel centered earthquake. This earthquake is showing as being simultaneous with a very large, and very unusual storm that will be coming from the wrong place (for the time of year), and will also be very devastating on its own. However, the data suggests that the storm damage including broad and deep flooding will be exacerbated by an earthquake. While not showing as a particularly large earthquake, the aspect/attributes which accrue to this set in Winter 2010/2011 are pointing to it deepening (the flooding problems) by cracking infrastructure (underground?) that will expose the supports (to structures) to flooding. There are some small number of sets going to the chunnel (tunnel under the channel) being damaged, but the lack of significant sets indicates that either the damage is reasonably small, or it is a still pending event continuing to gain supporting values.

As in previous Shape reports from 2010, we continue to gain values indicating that a major climate shift will be visible in Siberia over the winter 2010/2011 and into Spring, 2011. This major climate shift is indicated to have huge repercussions (results) for the planet at several different levels. Not only will the terrain be transformed (over this and subsequent 2/two years), but also the Siberian couple, previously forecast to have a key role in the development of, and release of the new electrics {ed note: something akin to zero point (free) electricity generators for each house}, are showing, via cross links to the GlobalPop entity, as emerging into planetary social consciousness over mid 2011. It may be that our Siberian couple (of inventors) may be physically shifted by sudden climate change in their region, and thus are relocated to a place from which they will take the world stage.

The Terra entity has new growth in a very old linguistic set for new lands specifically in the region of the southern Indian ocean. The older supporting sets had referenced 90 degrees east as the central location for the rising land from the contour (of the) ocean floor. This contour is particularly important, apparently, as it reappears in several of the supporting sets. The idea coming up from the detail layers is that what was once *(upon a time), will again (be visible). Very cool indeed. Seems some old human real estate is going to riser above the waves once again. Of course, probably it would be best to avoid the area until everything settles down a bit.

Markets - Complexities Bight

The supporting sets that accrue to the Markets entity from the immediacy data processing are pointing to this Fall as a period of imbalance *(tilting off to side). The imbalance period takes its primary support from the visibility sums within the set as a whole. This is to say that the imbalance within the markets will produce fear by, and through the visibility of the imbalance itself. The cross links over to the Populace of United States of America entity are so thick as to beg the question of points of origination or termination. In either case the cross links extend from a collection of sets clumped around the currency descriptor. These cross links between Populace of United States of America and the Markets entity grow most strongly over late October and November. As modelspace and the two entities are moved into November, the cross link connections thicken to rope-like consistency, but this is during the period of a tipping point where the entities themselves tend to 'harden up' around a very few sets. This thickening of the entities increases the difficulty for interpretation in some regards, but clarifies (seemingly) other areas. It is as though the tightening of the entity clusters around a central theme as in a tipping point provides for a higher degree of illumination of important, concurrent, background sets.

The linguistics for the central bank (of the the United States of America) cabal (a.k.a. Federal Reserve Bank) sub set grows under the secondary and tertiary support
layers where the largest, and most rapidly growing sub set is headed by movement (actions, shifts, upset/tilted up (to roll down)) descriptor set which has very high levels of visibility indicating that the movement (change/shift/upset) of the central banking cabal (in the the United States of America) will be very much a part of the propaganda press reporting. This movement descriptor set has as a primary supporting set, the aspect/attribute set headed by irrelevant (without impact or meaning). The idea is rather obviously that manifesting circumstances will move (the federal banking cabal) into a position (of) irrelevancy. These supporting sets grow most vigorously as modelspace is shifted past November. As the Markets entity is moved along with modelspace into December and then 2011, the supporting sets for movement/change/upset/shift for the federal reserve banking cabal descriptor set gain more linguistic 'bulk' than has occurred in the last 7/seven years of this work. Stated another way, the Markets entity, sub set central bank of the the United States of America shows more linguistic growth over the 4/four month period of November 2010 through February 2011 than has occurred in that set over these last, very tumultuous, 7 years. Hmmmm....want to bet that this has something to do with the the United States of America dollar?

The bank holiday sub set, previously forecast in both ALTA and Shape reports has grown, and continues to gain supporting sets. A part of the linguistics are being fulfilled by the chatter in the propaganda press about 'qualitative easing', or 'QE', however the data sets still continue to gain support for the inability (to access digital dollars). While this sub set is found at the core of the bank holiday sub set it is not the primary support, which comes from officialdom actions, but nonetheless it is the largest growing supporting sub set in the group. Soooo....while it appears that the holiday (or suspension of access to digital dollars) sub set grows, it also would seem that the QE language sets are manifesting as part of the fulfillment of that forecast. Our initial forecasts had the first of the bank holiday language showing up prior to the elections, and that has been the case with the QE sub sets emerging, but the bank holiday sub set continues to grow along with modelspace, and although still showing within Fall 2010, it likely will not appear prior to the elections. That said, the language around currencies in general, and the United States of America dollars in particular, continue to manifest in Main Stream Media (mainstream media = propaganda outlets) with both building tension and a steady inclusion of more and more of the language that we have had within the bank holiday sub set.

As modelspace is progressed through the inclusion of the new immediacy data, the 'tipping point' behavior starts to become evident in early October. This is to say that those trends that will balloon into giant problems and push us all into the November tipping point will be present, and observable in the mainstream media reports of early October, albeit as incipient, and developing worries rather than full blown crises. As this report will be presented in mid month, the early stages of the building tension should be evident to the aware observer. The movement of the Markets entity within the new details for late October and early November suggest that by the last week in October, the emotional tension values around all things currencies, and precious metals will be reaching new, and palpable (touchable) levels in both the Main Stream Media propaganda press, and daily life in the power centers of the the United States of America.

The new supporting detail sets for the central bank cabal the United States of America as well as the 'wall street' sub sets are filled with references to chaos, and halls (of power) that are filled with anxious faces, worried brows, and churning bowels. Further the details paint a picture of suited minions running (in panic), as well as very shaky (political) minions being summoned (from bed) to surreptitious (hidden/obscured) meetings over what the data is describing as the dollar 'heart attack'. The details suggest that rumors of secret meetings will become something of a staple of the business 'news' machine (a.k.a. sub unit of the propaganda press) where every morning the reports of rumors will generate (more) verbiage than almost any other actual occurrences of the day. These rumor mongers (sellers) will be seen to be pale, and sweaty, and havedilated pupils (over the excitement of it all) while 'reporting' on the previous night's secret meetings. This crisis of dollar resuscitation is indicated to be causing (triggering) a nearly global (financial) panic that will also induce (open up) a number of global social faults (in the international monetary systems) such that the propaganda press is placed into a real box regarding their reporting. The internet and global social telephony nets will allow for the actual news of dollar heart attack events to be available, and yet the propaganda press will be forbidden (within the anglosphere) to speak of or mention (many widely known, pertinent facts and sub stories) in the single largest story of this and the last century. The untimely(?) deaths of several of the upper level minions within the international central banking cabal in what is described as spectacular departures will not help the angst (frustration) within the working minions (of the) propaganda press. "Why", they will ask, "can we not cover the flame out of
so-and-so (high level minion in bankster cabal) on a portion of the beltway/highway in an apparent car bomb attack?" Hmmmmm. Why indeed? A case of gang warfare? Or inner-gang discipline?

As modelspace drags the seemingly reluctant Markets entity along into November 2010, the sheeit truly looks to be flying. The chaos language around the currencies is small in emotional proportion to the core fear sub sets coming from the Markets entity and, most significantly, the "The Powers That Be" via cross links. The fear sub set language is hugely supported by derivatives descriptors of all kinds. It seems as though the whole of the paper debt world of omnihumanity here on planet terra is about to blaze with fury as it creates ashes of itself (planetary paper debt trading economy) in mere days.

The supporting sets for the derivatives blaze to ashes context includes specific language toward caustic leverage, and degradation (while) running. This last has detail layers suggesting that as the orders to "GET OUT!" are flying across the various sell systems, the system (derivatives) itself is burning up. Previously forecast language about people meaning humans duped into "The Powers That Be" paper debt schemes would be caught out(side) with the door locked. Further detail layers for the corroding (of the paper debt sales system) by caustic derivatives goes to bank*(s) crash and excesses (continued excessively long). Other supporting sets include details suggesting that bank shutdowns will be part of the systemic corrosion.

Much of the corrosion language sets are also to be found in support of the United states of America dollar as well as the federal reserve cabal. The derivatives destruction (via immolation) is showing as also being the proximate cause of the next wave down of the United states of America dollar. Note that this next wave down is also indicated to deflate a majority of all assets of the United states of America at a national and organizational level. As may be anticipated, at the local level, this will not be true as people turn to local production in unexpected mass as the national banking (commerce) infrastructure comes unglued (destroyed) by the corrosive fires of the derivatives conflagration globally.

BankUS Interruptus

This planetary coagulation (of currency problems) is indicated to be sparked on November 8th by some seemingly small problems between or
involving banks in the north east and west (california?). The data suggests that the tipping point cascade begins within this diagonal national banking relationship. The data shows that a failure (to perform?) within this diagonal banking relationship will rapidly escalate such that the federal reserve banking cabal is directly involved (captivated).

The data sets contain precious metals as a 'core set' for the central bank woes within the global set for the tipping point period, however, it would appear to be political scandal or political pressure, or political fuck up that will be visible as the banana-peel-under-the-foot of bankster ball- crushing predatory Corporate capitalism. Note that this visibility will be in the midst of a general increase in 'news' items and event reports with high emotional values associated, and so may not be initially visible during what promises to be a very busy 'news' time.

The accretion patterns in both the Populace of United States of America entity and the GlobalPop entity from November 8th onward suggest that both political and (further) religious scandals will be breaking out just as the central bank criminal collective runs into a hard stop. The data sets describe the hard stop as a period (ending) suddenly and in such a manner as to flatten out (expose by evisceration) the interior corruption. The supporting sets for the disembowelment of the global central banking criminal conspiracy grow rapidly as modelspace moves into late November. The data sets accruing at that point include references to criminal investigations (of central bankers) as well as political coagulation. In the case of the investigations into central banker criminal activity, at least some of the language forecast will be coming from within the msm (mainstream media), albeit at minor, or fringe least initially. There are also sub sets indicating that political corruption investigations within the the United States of America including the administrative branch (highest levels), will also lead directly back to criminal (murderous?) activity by the central banks globally.

Not only banks (and banking system) will be interrupted by the coagulation. The data sets point to unemployment waves that tsunami around the planet as activity areas begin to fail throughout the global commercial civilization. Some of those that rise to the surface first include advertising, media, entertainment, printing, packaging, and on and on and on into 2011.

As of this publication, the 'run' for precious metals is within mere weeks of starting. It no longer makes sense to concentrate any of our work on the precious metals markets as it will now be merely guessing as to how high (in which degraded currency) the nominal price will go at any given day.

Populace of United States of America

Coup de' blah

It should be noted that modelspace continues to point to the Populace of United States of America entity as the location of the spark that initiates the tipping point. Though difficult to determine exactly as a tipping point has all the entities participating, and thus individual motion is blurred to some extent, the Populace of United States of America entity still appears to be the first, visible location for the progression into the tipping point period. Also note that this period is still showing as 4/four days long in an emotional plateau state. As we have never had such a condition arise before, it is difficult to provide meaningful interpretation of the actual 4 day period itself. The visibility sum rises as modelspace is moved through those 4 days in November, but this rise in emotional tension values is within a tight range, and is also seen within the whole of modelspace.

As of the early days of September, the data sets continue to grow within modelspace for the tipping point. Further, the areas of largest growth just prior to the November 8th through 11th tipping point, are being led by the army/military as context within the Populace of United States of America entity, as well as within the Markets entity, the GlobalPop entity, and "The Powers That Be" entity.

Just prior to the tipping point dissolution into release language, the linguistic set of the military, as a sub set of the Populace of United States of America entity, gains new primary support from the aspect/attribute set of general (ranking). The ranking general supporting set is itself supported by bad fall, and lacking good organization (creates a 'fault', mistake). Note that the mistake or fault language is extensively cross linked back over to the Israeli sub set of the GlobalPop where the links terminate in mistake also. Further note the links are so extensive as to be indeterminate as to whether they originate in the Populace of United States of America entity or the GlobalPop entity.

The ranking general sub set within the military set within the Populace of United States of America entity also gains support from exposure (on a global stage), as well as authority (to decide on) military matters. The exposure on a global stage sub set is itself cross linked back over to "The Powers That Be" {ed note: "The Powers That Be" entity} where the termination points are within the set of holding power unchallenged. This sub set within "The Powers That Be" entity is supported at its primary level by the aspect/attribute set of rewards (for serving masters) and this in its turn is supported by kneeling (to accept decorations of servitude).

However, the ranking general who will be receiving the decorations of servitude is also supported by large force overwhelmed by smaller enemy at the secondary supporting level. These sets are not mutually exclusive as history has a habit of showing generals who are lauded officially even as their wars were being lost due to their strategies. The overwhelmed/defeated by the small group supporting set also contains indicators pointing back to the ranking general dismissed due to bad words forecast as a pre-echo of the soon-to-be-manifest circumstances.

The ranking general with decorations for servitude to masters sub set is indicated to be a significant temporal marker for November tipping point and beyond. A surprising, and new, linguistic element in the supporting chain is the appearance of the gold (precious metals) aspect/attribute set at the tertiary support level at the very last moment just before the entities go into the tipping point. This gold (as precious metal) aspect/attribute set is itself supported at the primary level by the aspect/attribute of prospected (from earth) and is entirely, and even specifically, referring to 'actual physical gold metal' and not any form of 'proxy'. Again it is worth noting that the military sub set at the center of the 'action' for the November tipping point has gold as in the precious metal, at the third level of support for the set as a whole.


Hollywood land is really missing a good bet in the oil disaster in the gulf of mexico. They should crank out a whole slew of retro 1950's teen sci-fi- horror flicks with the 'mutants/zombies/blobs' originating in the oil (left to fester at the bottom of the Gulf) in lieu of radioactivity. The Populace of United States of America entity is extensively cross linked over to the "Space Goat Farts" entity where the termination points are gaining support for illness, and disruption (of environment) from the oil volcano. Further, the data suggests that anger and resentment will boil up (outward explode) at the instigators {ed note: including United states of America officialdom} over the course of winter 2010/2011.

Not all of the angst among the populace/ the United States of America will be related to gulf of mexico disaster. Many of the new supporting sets appearing within the immediacy data and the first of the shorter term sets to be processed are very high in anxiety, and fear values, contributing toward a large scale emotional shift over January and February of 2011 by the Populace of United States of America entity. This shift is indicated by supporting sets in many different lexical structures within the Populace of United States of America entity that move from pending (potential) for doom (extreme problems), to expressions of manifesting extreme problems. In other words the fear component rises through the tipping point period, then over the subsequent 3 months, the emotional tone moves into active, and public (visible in msm = propaganda press) expressions of manifest disaster.

Within the Populace of United States of America entity, as it crosses the November 11th threshold, the shift starts to appear in both directly held values for United states of America dollar based, abstract financial 'instruments' (derivatives) and within the very extensive cross link layers over to the Markets entity and the GlobalPop entity. The movement of the data would suggest that the preceding period of late October, and early November will present opportunities for the aware observer to view the rise of fear/anxiety within the paper debt markets world around the derivatives (fatal) cancer. This last descriptor brings along very rapid response to the tipping point days in that the whole of the derivatives lexical set within the Populace of United States of America entity gains supporting sets for disease, skin disease, visible corrosion, weeping sores, leaking value, dwindling confidence, and many other sets following the same tone. The idea coming across is that the aware observer will be able to track the rising emotional distress over derivatives from late October right up to the derivatives crack-up in November. While seemingly obscure, the derivatives crack-up is indicated to destroy (the) issuing houses (banks/crime families) in such a rapid manner as to warrant the adjective spectacular.

As a conjoined component of the rapid change (of emotional) state within the forecast language of the Populace of United States of America, the linguistic sets for large areas of common life here in the the United States of America are all becoming dominated by the supporting aspect/attribute set of chaos. This chaos set is itself supported by degradation and coagulation. As the Populace of United States of America entity moves
out of the tipping point period {ed note: past November 11th}, the political descriptor set, along with the banking and dollar sub sets gain new supporting values in an extremely fast manner. The shifting of modelspace over the next three months is so filled with new supporting sets that it is becoming increasingly difficult to find areas that have *not changed. The political areas seem to pretty much pace the banking and dollar areas in speed of change, though they are lagging behind at the start, once moving they gain at nearly the same levels. And the speed overall is shocking.

Within the currency (United states of America dollar) sub set, and as modelspace progresses into December, the dollar as internal to nation currency) separates from all other contexts for the dollar / the United States of America including global reserve currency, and petroleum media of exchange. The idea coming from the detail layers are of a very speedy, and irrevocable shift in the confidence (globally) in the United states of America dollar, and most specifically and tellingly, in United states of America proffered financial documents. The supporting sets for the currency/United states of America dollar, from late November onward, are bringing in associations back to the lexicon for 'duration of impact' values that extend out multiple generations {ed note: on the order of 84 years}. This would suggest that the loss of confidence in the United states of America dollar (and associated paper products) is so total as to remove the dollar from any status in international settlement of trade accounts.

This is where the interpretation starts to get a bit tricky. As the Populace of United States of America entity is progressed past November 11, it moves into the period of very intense release language. The level of the language in terms of how much emotional energy is involved, and how rapidly it progresses from building tension over to release language tends to obscure the detail layers and their connection to the larger archetypes. This makes timing, and the cross connection of major archetype themes to emergent events difficult to separate. This is especially true when events and the entity as a whole are moving rapidly. Thus the following caveat: PROBABLY this part is wrong. That said, we note that contention which is to be triggered by Israeli mistake will involve the Populace/ the United States of America in direct fighting (on behalf of israel) {ed note: or at least the open request for such 'aid'}. This appears to be related to the events of the tipping point period which *may, that is just might (as in some unknowable level of probability) involve a false flag attack. Note that the scenario would allow for either a false flag attack on israel or the United states of America or both during the mid November period, however the data also supports the idea that those who would instigate such a false flag attack are themselves waiting for November events (relating to currency 'destruction') before launching (their new war). Thus it is possible to interpret the data for the false flag attack to be both mid November, or later even out to mid December. However, in the case of the latter, the November tipping point is what they the global currency system, as well as the whole of international settlements, and global trade will be impacted by the upcoming new  Iranian war, and the United States and Britain do not want to have Israel blamed for 'causing' the global currency system crash. Sooo...under this interpretation, the November tipping point will be the long anticipated global grunching (of the Middle Class) by the power elite that will destroy the capitalist system for decades causing the further concentration (coagulation) of wealth and power into "The Powers That Be". Then the shadow government will instigate new war with sneaky false flag attacks, then blame Iran, then attack in pretend retribution all the while expecting the slavish frothing support of the mind captive American (Anglosphere) populace.

The data suggests that this will NOT go as planned.

If the planetary economic implosion manifests over the tipping point with the forecast devastating results for the United States of America dollar, then the data accretion patterns would suggest that "The Powers That Be" will try to push or mold the release language into their anti-dialectic with the idea to increase controls over the populace, and ready the populace for planetary war. As had been forecast in previous ALTA and Shape reports, the "The Powers That Be" will attempt to use progrom(s) as leverage to shift popular moods. The linguistics would seem to be warning 'beware the old divide to conquer crap'.

There exists an alternative interpretation for the American start to the tipping point period and subsequent release language. The basis for this interpretation derives from the extensive cross links from the "Space Goat Farts" entity. These are multiply connected, and bring in both the GlobalPop entity as well as the Markets entity. The alternative interpretation would go towards the idea of a 4 Days (in November) scenario in which a purge (by "The Powers That Be") occurs at the highest levels of the political minion classes through out the Anglosphere but starting in the the United States of America. In this interpretation, the Obama administration would implode or collapse inward in such a way as to participate in, and likely trigger a series of market reactions that are described as being outside the ability of the machinery (software) to process. The number of increasingly abnormal (to the old range bound software) trades would induce a market rocking effect wherein the planetary markets would be shut down to clear out the problem trades, only to crash again once restarted. This phenomena would be against the developing background of the central bank failures to manage paper debt currencies, and pretty much the whole of the planetary trading infrastructure would be shut down. Noting that some of these effects may take weeks to develop, the data nonetheless would support the idea of 2+ months of intense release language being related to active global systemic economic meltdown while there is a political (Constitutional Crisis) within the the United States of America that (from the outside) would appear to place the existence of the (American) state in jeopardy.

Within this alternative interpretation, the elections are such a disaster for the two parties (of "The Powers That Be") that it becomes imperative to "The Powers That Be" that the political system of the the United States of America should come unglued. Their intent in this instance would be to insert (a new) control structure likely in the form of patriot generals (as a 'temporary' junta). However, again, the data sets argue that plans and plot rarely go as conceived, and in this instance, the data sets again {ed note: see "Space Goat Farts"} point toward control slipping (during perceived chaos) which creates (real fear) within "The Powers That Be" that actual chaos will erupt in which they ("The Powers That Be") would lose control.

Also internally cross linked off of the lose control aspect/attribute set are a related set of linguistic structures that are pointing to the next (phase) of the cycle of coagulation (meltdown/seize up) of the education system within the the United States of America. Again, we note that the education system context is also extensively cross linked over to the GlobalPop entity where the indications are that the destruction (crumbling into ruin) of the American college/university system will be but a leading edge to similar changes/problems in higher education throughout the 'developed' world.

The data accretion patterns start to escalate rapidly as modelspace moves into early December 2010. At that point, a residual impact of the tipping point period is indicated to cascade through the education establishment with very negative results. The aspect/attribute sets include details for colleges and universities that will shutter their doors/windows (close down) with stated intentions (to re-open), but no clear avenue/ method to doing so. The spreading effects of the education system implosion crisis are showing as not dominating the overall emotional tone of Winter (2010/2011) and Spring (2011), but rather blending into the continuing intense release language.

The education crisis of 2010 is indicated to continue unabated through to a near-term peak of emotional intensity in March 2011. The destruction and disruption of the ability to provide schooling of Winter 2010/2011 changes to rebuilding (at least the intent) as the Northern Hemisphere moves into Spring. This intent to educate is a different linguistic set than that which houses schooling in america. This new set of intent to educate may be the first sign of a new structure or form for education in the the United States of America. The detail layers within this structure have many references to various areas of knowledge, and almost none toward any of the formalities of control {ed note: such as forms, principles, buildings, or pretty much anything else relating to government}. This may be indicative of the emergence of a natural response level within the populace to fill the gap created by the ripple on effects of dollar (paper debt system) destruction. The details do provide for a wide variety of educational opportunities, noted, without much in the way of an education 'system' around them. The data also is growing very rapidly and chaotically. The accretion patterns suggest that Spring of 2011 will just be the first part of a very very long and complicated process of discarding the old education system (dominated by "The Powers That Be" and formal academia). The world will be chaotic indeed. The data sets are pointing to a time in late Winter of 2010/2011 (February?) in which the American elite demonstrate just why the education system is corrupt, and morally bankrupt. This will come about in their attempts to prop up (maintain control) of the financially bankrupt school systems nationwide.

Some Obo's check out. 
(Obo's are people who are considered obsolete, the over 50s.)

Along with the retirement and health care systems, the education system, as it is currently constituted {ed note: hint hint}, will be shocked and rocked by the currency problems (warfare?) of November. From November through to March of 2011, the Populace of United States of America entity gains large amounts of supporting aspect/attribute sets for the implosion, and coagulation of the retirement and health care systems. The wording here seeming begins about the same time, and by March of 2011, the currency wars (to the death?) are showing as having taken such a huge toll (cost) on retirees, and the chronically ill, that death rates across the nation are up and rising so rapidly as to cause msm (mainstream media) attention. Not only is it an issue of higher costs for health care and medicines, due to a collapsing (and dying) dollar, but also the impacts of bad weather and global currency warfare will be seen to throttle (squeeze) the supply chain for plants for medicines. Further problems relating to the foreclosure coagulation, and the trend lines for never-employed-again status for so many over 50's or obo's (for obsolete) cause so many older humans to drop into despair that by Spring (say about mid April) of 2011, the suicide rates nation wide will bring national visibility. Many of the suicides will be facing a perception wall that has them boxed into a particular view of reality. This view will be evident {ed note: just as in the previous Depression of 1930's} in the eyes of the people in the streets. This display of acceptance of defeat (i.e. the emotion of despair) within the eyes is actually very symptomatic of one of the expected responses (by "The Powers That Be") to 'over stimulation via circumstances' of  part of the mind (i.e. fight or flight). They (the "The Powers That Be") expect a certain percentage of the populace to shutdown. For many, the shutdown will come in the form of deliberate acts that lead to death. These new suicides will include those trying to fake an accident for insurance purposes.

Sadly, the suicides are not the only death wave to show up in the Populace of United States of America entity. We also have data accretion patterns for a death wave that is surprising (shocking) in both numbers and speed as the health care system crumbles. These deaths are showing up as due to the lack of sustenance (medicines/machinery/care support). The accrual of the aspect/attribute sets for this sub set area includes repeated references to what could be millions of people so affected. Thus maybe hundreds of thousands die, and thus millions by extension are affected. The associations that the rapid degradation of the health care system linguistics have with the lexicon bring over very long term value sets that participate in the release language period, and which also paint a picture of so many dead that the social order changes to compensate.

Some Obo's get mad.

We also have data sets indicating that some of the economically dispossessed within the Populace/ the United States of America {ed note: also in GlobalPop} will choose a more violent response mode. The details spread across a wide range of violent responses as many people get locked into their fight mode by what they perceive as enveloping circumstances. Again, this is also an expected response by "The Powers That Be" to the pending shift in circumstances. We can forecast now that the assertion that "The Powers That Be" are expecting to have to cope with rapidly rising suicides and violent acts (of perceived revenge) will be validated by Summer of next year. As "The Powers That Be" trot out their staged personnel, they will be caught out as planning for social disruption and social degradation. They are in fact, engineering their agenda to capitalize (take advantage of) the pending social disruptions due to currency wars. The data sets suggest that "The Powers That Be" will be stumbling (at least a bit) by Spring, and under certain pressures of existent circumstances not to be avoided will betray some sensitive information in such a way as to validate its provenance.


French Option

The riots and uprising and social chaos in France were specifically referenced over 2/two years ago in previous ALTA reports (and have carried forward into the recent Shape reports), as a very good temporal marker for the dollar death (and currency wars). These days are now (very damn soon as of the date of this publication) upon us. The expectation is that the revolution meme will gain strength over the period from November through to Spring (March equinox) as the 'authorities' respond with their only option, violence.

The aware observer will pay close attention to the situation in France, especially to the tactics employed, and the personalities who will emerge in the upcoming days through the underground (un-official) media. Our data has held for a new franc (French human) to become visible in a very key, planet affecting manner. The emergence of this person will be against the background of the banking crisis and collapse merely days away (anticipated to start on November 8, 2010).

Other nationalities of humans may be well served noting the current and upcoming events in France, as very soon most of the planetary populace will be facing circumstances that force consideration of the French Option.

Nervous Ordo Mundi

The immediacy data sets for the GlobalPop entity, along with all the entities as we move modelspace forward toward the tipping point, are filling with support for increasing emotional tension. The GlobalPop entity seems to concentrate the early November data sets in the linguistic sets for currency chaos, and political chaos, and chaos (in political infrastructure). These contexts, especially the last, are describing a period of some social and political turmoil that will be based around currency devaluation and rapid loss (of confidence) in the paper currency system (globally).

The chaos of all kinds is being forecast to manifest as a wave or cascade beginning by mid November as the troubles (currency/political) are showing as erupting (exploding/spurting/rushing) out of America. Within the movement of the entities through the tipping point period with modelspace, the Populace of United States of America and the "The Powers That Be" begin the shift almost simultaneously. There is a slight leading edge to the Populace of United States of America entity over the "The Powers That Be" as to which is first, but the primary shift into the tipping point state actually comes from the GlobalPop entity which has tremendous numerical mass due to its size and complexity. So, to repeat...the modelspace shows the Populace of United States of America and "The Powers That Be" ("The Powers That Be") entities starting off the tipping point process, but the main mass of the emotional values, as well as the main mass of the release language do not appear until the GlobalPop entity shifts into the process. This appears to occur early in Day 2 of the 4 days {ed note: November 8th through 11th inclusive} of the tipping point. ( now moved up to November 14th.)

Following the initial shift of the Populace of United States of America entity into the tipping process, the GlobalPop entity gains a very rapidly appearing, and quite substantial lexical set for nervousness, or skittishness. This set will continue to grow exponentially over the 4 days until it has transitioned into anxiety and then fear sub set support. Further it gains a huge mass of cross links over to the "The Powers That Be" entity and the Populace of United States of America entity and the Markets entity. The darkening mass of cross links center around various economic and banking and paper debt system sub sets, but the real 'hot spot' is the sub set for global derivatives confidence. This set gains 40/forty or more times its mass in fear sub set support in mere days as the GlobalPop entity moves from November 11th into the following 2+ months of intense release language.

As modelspace is progressed through the tipping point period and into November and then Winter 2010/2011, much of the new data sets accruing are boringly focused on, or in support of, the death of the dollar as the planetary reserve currency and its subsequent impact on the planetary central bank crime cabal. The whole of the lexical archetype of prosperity (continuing wealth) is involved from November 11th onward. The
GlobalPop entity indicates that a planet (affecting) economic shift will be underway, and quite visible as the tipping point is passed on our rush into the future.

Due to the unceasing and continuous efforts of the mainstream media in their role as propaganda press, the Return of the Depression will catch many of the planetary populace unaware. Of course, most of the planetary populace is unaware as a method of living (moda via), but still the return of the depression (economic shifts/ ruin of the dollar) is showing as coming as something of a shock to the many who have been lulled by the incessant 'recovery' lies.

The recovery word is forecast to take on a new meaning by the March equinox in many different languages. The idea coming across from the data details is a global, and pretty massive popular movement for the recovery of the wealth (of nations) that had been lost to (the) banks. The details show that regions of the planet will band together in intricate links as they demand recovery from the central banking cabals. The process is described as starting in November, but growing very rapidly around the planet as derivatives are returned, or reneged upon, or discarded (payments upon) as the new recovery (of) lost wealth movement. This new meaning for the word recovery is also showing as contributing to a "who's on first" moment here in the the United States of America as the press gets into the recovery word meaning game with some politicians. These sets accrue for late November and early December.

Other responses to the growing social disruption, and governmental meltdown in the the United States of America will be seen throughout the rest of the planetary populace as discussions will be starting early next year that will be regional, and national, and even international explorations of how to cope with an 'ailing' American empire in the process of falling over dead'.

"Space Goat Farts"

The "Space Goat Farts" entity is forecasting that a new and different form of biologic alliance will become visible over these next few months as the planet further exposes (manifests) change at several core levels. The new biologic alliance is not a new life form per se, but rather is described as a mutual support pact between species that manages to manifest in a surprising manner.

Critter goes walk about.

Life, or something like it....the shorter term data sets indicate that a laboratory {ed note: likely in the Northern Hemisphere, and likely military in function} will be having an unexpected birth/creation that is going to be something of a problem child. The idea coming across from the context is that within this laboratory, a probe into other frequencies (experiment) is going to inadvertently create the conditions for a runaway. The detail layers are a bit vague, which also hints at shadow ops world association with this laboratory, but seemingly describe self sustaining conditions for a field (of energy). This does not appear to be associated with CERN and the Big Donut-in-the-ground. Rather the details are seemingly pointed toward a hidden laboratory, located within an underground facility, but not totally occupying (that facility) in which an energetic field will be created, seemingly as part of the point of the experiment, but one in which outside (of the sensory range frequencies) energies will be holding/grabbing the core of the field such that the conditions will continue to manifest. Hmmmmm.....reads very much like a good grade B 1950's teenage sci-fi film.... In this particular set of data, the field, self sustaining will go walk -about (runaway) from the laboratory. It does not *appear to be life per se, though the data does read as though the field, self sustaining 'decides' to leave the lab and go out to see what is going on 'out there'. While this might be the case, the laboratory owners are described as being in a panic, some of which will be visible though lied about within the mainstream media/propaganda media.

Three Stooges Management School

The "Space Goat Farts" entity has data sets that suggest that the terra (planet) will be waved. The archetype is quite clearly in the past tense relative to the time frame of the data sets, yet also is quite clearly both present and future tenses within the data descriptor set itself. Soooo... to be totally confusing, this archetype contains all three major tenses within the linguistic structure. This is explainable as being a 'future view, looking backwards, presently described'. Realizing that such meta data level context elements do not really get the point across, we need to view this as though we ourselves, are in the future, reading in the current time, a description of a commonly experienced, global event in a 'break down' format as may be found in the mainstream media here in the the United States of America. So, to muddy the linguistic waters with intense stirring we add more words that are about the point before getting to it. The data set here within the "Space Goat Farts" entity is forecasting the appearance of language, perhaps in about a year from now in October of 2011, in which a 'recent event' from the perspective of that 'present time' is being analyzed within the mainstream media with the intent of using that analysis to shift behavior. Did I get the context of the point across? In yet more words, a year from now, someone in msm is going to try to convince you that you should not "believe your lying eyes". This 'message' is indicated to be both subtle and gross within what remains of the press in that far distant future past many and diverse travails in 2011.

The waved or waved out phenomenen will have, apparently, occurred at least once over Summer, 2011, though the language suggests that perhaps the first, and more minor waved episode actually took place in Spring, 2011. The language suggests that the explanations proffered will include gravity waves, and solar disturbances, as well as 'pulses of unknown origin'. Note that a sub text to this last will go to the idea that perhaps, just perhaps, these waved episodes of pulses of unknown origin are 'created' by parties unknown.

The "Space Goat Farts" entity contains cross links over to the GlobalPop entity and the Populace of United States of America entity which suggest that there will be not much (acceptance) of the proffered (offered/promoted) opinions. The idea coming across from the cross link over lay is that people will pretty much make up their minds about what the waved episode felt like personally, and will not really give a crap about the officialdom explanations. Further the cross links also would suggest that this waved episode (or episodes?) will not be universally perceived (the same). There are some small areas indicating debates about both the nature of the waved effect, and also, later, even denials (as to its existence/happening). In this latter set are many cross links terminating in the populace entities in sub sets of both denial and dramatic reactions. The dramatic reactions sub set would seem to point to some portion of the general populace who are able to conceptually perceive the waved episodes as going pretty much bat shit or dramatically overboard/excessive in their response. As a side note, it may be emotional sensitivity, both native and chemically induced, that will produce some of the dramatic over-reactions. Further there are also counter indications meaning that humans who are habitually drugged (including anti-depressants? ) may be in the denial of experience (of the
waved) set, though the types of chemicals (drugs) involved is neither specific or definitive.

The "Space Goat Farts" entity is still maintaining the very long term value set, Alien Wars, with growth from the immediacy values just processed. The new aspect/attributes in support suggest that the break out (emergence into visibility) of the Alien Wars will break out in 2011. The manifestation of Alien Wars will apparently take several months to 'mature' within the msm (mainstream media = propaganda press). The data sets would seem to be indicating that the msm (press reports) including teevee will start to include Alien Wars sub set language in late Winter (probably February 2011) that will begin as ufo reports, and hints (about secret space program), as well as whistleblowers. This last will include a number of laid off sub contractor employees who will recognize the futility of hoping for rehire given the shifted (and ruined) world economy, and so they will be face (on) video for money. Not that it won't be true.

Fight! Fight!

Another large set within the "Space Goat Farts" entity, that appears during the four days of the tipping point {ed note: November 8th through the 11th inclusive} has been labeled as snake fight. This name is a bit misleading, as it appears that different (types/kinds) of reptiles will be involved in this contention/fight. The snake fight sub set is large, makes its first appearance very early morning on the 8th of November and has completely been subsumed and absorbed by the tipping point action by late on November 11th. The snake fight sub set is extensively cross linked back over to the "The Powers That Be" entity, the Populace of United States of America entity, and the GlobalPop entity. Further, more minor cross links go over to the Press entity, and the Space sub set of this, the "Space Goat Farts" entity. Within this set we have indications that the snakes will be fighting with the dragons. This set also contains aspect/attribute sets in the details pointing toward a denouement (conclusion/finish) of this battle in Spring 2011 {ed note: coincident with the loss of emotional supporting sums for the "The Powers That Be" entity for the first time in our 10+ years of this work}.

The details of the snakes versus dragons battles of winter are showing as having visibility in Spring 2011. Further the visibility at that time, even in the midst of the planetary populace emotional chaos, will be able to be used as both a temporal marker and a pre-echo of the nature of the emergence of Alien Wars in Fall 2011. Within the Winter 2010/2011 detail sets are descriptors for completely (burnt through) tube (carrier?), and ashes (of supporting structures). Both of these sets are space supporting sub sets. Again, these value sets are impacted by a huge surge of building emotional tension just prior to the tipping point, and thereafter they shift into release language. The dragon versus snake sub set is very large, and diverse with cross links or directly held values for politics as well as existing social order. It would *seem that the combined entities are forecasting something of an 'internal' to the cult (of mind control) battle in which the presumed prize for victory would be humanity?. Well, as the data sets accrue within "Space Goat Farts" entity as it is progressed along with modelspace into the early months of 2011, the emotional release values and the accreting language are specifically focusing on the loss of carefully built up emotional tension values within the "The Powers That Be" entity. The number of cross links participating in the loss of values sums within the "The Powers That Be" entity are too extensive to be able to be fully analyzed in the time permitted to this work. The presumption that we have now is that the internal battle within the mind control machinery a.k.a. "The Powers That Be" + minions over very late Fall 2010, and Winter 2010/2011 will spiral out of control in such a manner as to destroy much of the underpinnings (structures) for control of the general populace of humanity. This is indicated to cause a dramatic increase in visibility of mind control, as well as to shatter confidence in the control structures (illusionary world).

Due to how these linguistic structures developed as modelspace is moved forward, it is also presumed that these will be hugely 'wide' memes. This implies such examples as a general defeat of incumbents as a global voting trend while at the same time a large scale social shift into awareness moves along as and in pace with the global economic degradation to rubble/debris/ruins. And as the data itself seems to imply, the coagulation within the global economic structure is generally good for humans in spite of the suffering caused in the shorter term, as it will degrade the whole of the "The Powers That Be" ability to control the global populace in the slightly longer term (presuming one makes it out that far).

Solar Rivers.

The "Space Goat Farts" entity contains a growing mass of supporting sets for solar upset and solar irregularities within the immediacy values and the first of the shorter term value sets. These solar disturbances are going to impact earth at least insofar as communications and planetary distribution and global climate are concerned. The data suggests that at least one solar disturbance of winter 2010/2011 will be temporally related to large scale ice movements across both polar regions. These large scale ice movements sub sets would appear to be describing some pretty sizeable chunks of glaciers going walk-about. In the southern (Antarctica) sets for ice movement, the results are indicated to include the formation of a (new) river (of ice/water), as well as the destruction of some supplies, but more significantly, the revelation (of) ancient structures. Please note that just because the data sets forecast it, does not mean that 'regular humans' will get to participate in this. There are *some small number of visibility values suggesting that 'word would leak out', but most of these sets are extensively cross tied back to "The Powers That Be" and the shadow government world, so the presumption is that, while it is important both short and long term, the revelation of ancient structures (in Antarctica) will not be very visible in the immediate future. Still the data suggests that the aware observer should be able to get a few hints of the find by late Spring, 2011. Note that it may pay the shadow fellows to be ready to exploit the narrow window forecast to present itself in late Winter (Northern Hemisphere), 2010/2011.

The Antarctica situated earth shift (changes) are not the only such examples of uncovering of ancient past showing in the data for 2010/2011. The accretion patterns for the "Space Goat Farts" entity include aspect/attribute sets for a mud slide with geographic association to northern india will also reveal previously hidden ancient site. And in this instance, the data sets could be suggesting that the authorities actually discover the existence of the ancient site due to an influx of ancient artifacts that will appear within the gray and black markets in Spring of 2011. Further, the emotional intensity values are such that some level of cultural shock will be associated with these artifacts so casually sold (into the) unsuspecting market.

Alien wars!

The "Space Goat Farts" entity gains very large numbers of new supporting sets for the Alien Wars context as we progress modelspace into 2011. The accretion patterns continue to grow cross links between the Alien Wars sub set within "Space Goat Farts" and numerous linguistic sets within the Populace of United States of America entity, the GlobalPop entity, the "The Powers That Be" entity, and the Markets entity. Curiously, the Markets entity shows the largest, and one of the first large scale changes due to Alien Wars context. There are associations for Alien Wars and global trading in late Spring 2011. Bearing in mind that the markets in late Spring 2011 are indicated to NOT be as the paper debt markets exist now, the impacts of the Alien Wars on the planetary trading organization(s) cannot be overstated (at least now, that is before they emerge). These Alien Wars impacts on inter humanity trading show as being visible in late Spring, but really only just starting then. The whole Alien Wars context and its associated minor linguistic structures do not even 'bulk up' into maturity until October and November of 2011 so the effects of the Alien Wars will be long duration, and great intensity.

The data sets accruing in support of Alien Wars also have growth in the officialdom sub set which suggests that the NASA (and other space 'authorities' will be making an announcement about an incoming mystery in 2011. Our data sets show that this sub set of Alien Wars is describing some form of officially sanctioned (by "The Powers That Be") announcement that will be globally broadcast in which officials (and engineers) will present (discuss) an incoming object (of unknown nature and type), though they will apparently know and tell that it is 'this' big, and is under intelligent direction. The data suggests that the officialdom will provide a curious and spurious 'due date' for the arrival of this mystery object. Hmmmm....of course we here at HPH, being in the radical linguistics business note that some of the words used in this future officialdom announcement will cause a huge flurry of activity due to their hidden context, and the betrayal of intent by a speaker's slip.


Other supporting sets are accruing to the gnosines sub set. This sub set is a linguistic structure of a couple of years age that has been growing, albeit haphazardly, or infrequently. This set gains new supporting values as modelspace is progressed through Winter 2010/2011. During these 3/three months there is something of a flurry of new growth in the gnosines sub set. Unfortunately for the aware observer, the visibility values coming in with the new growth are low. There may be a few hints of gnosine emergence into the social awareness of humanity, but they will likely be few, far between, and mostly very small. At least through Spring and Summer of 2011. The currently accreting supporting aspect/attribute sets for the gnosine are bringing along very high values for long duration (of impact), though the intensity of impact values are low. These values do
start to scale up as modelspace moves into late Summer, 2011. The gain very large growth levels with the rather dramatic rise in visibility values for the Alien Wars sub set in Fall of 2011.

The gnosines are described by the data sets as a group of humans (perhaps some animals?), who are unconnected (by any apparent links in material reality). These humans, both as individuals and as groups and sub groups are also described as important, and a natural development of the human species given the current changes in material reality. The gnosine are NOT 'indigo kids' or any of the new age applied 'special' labels. The gnosine are mostly not within the developed parts of planet earth. The gnosine include those persons who could be categorized as saints if one were religiously bent. They are also described as including those who have murder and killing in their immediate past.

The gnosine are labeled such due to their knowing (possessing gnosis). This possession (of) understanding is the common bond uniting these otherwise disparate individuals. From our view here at hph, it is absolutely fascinating watching universe put together the gnosine pie. Modelspace and the accretion patterns suggest that the November 2010 tipping point is directly connected to the very much smaller, but also significant tipping point shaping up for late fall, 2011. As something of a 'teaser', modelspace is indicating that universe will provide a demonstration of gnosine understanding (power/facility) over early 2011, that many of the rising number of aware observers will watch mature over Spring and Summer, and finally bloom/blossom (reach fulfillment) in Fall. This demonstration is to involve living stone.... Or alternatively stone (rock) that is made to live (communicate life). that ought to be cool as it gets!

An evolving theme in the data sets within "Space Goat Farts" entity, previously too small to warrant reporting, but nonetheless intriguing and occasionally eye catching, has now expressed in two separate, individually growing, but linked and equal manifestations of the same language. One half of this expression is found in the return to nature (old ways) movement that manifests in ways ranging from dress up, reenactments (of historical episodes) through to recreation (of past technologies). The other half of this theme is found in the search for out of place artifacts, and the refutation (of published history) in the search for what really happened. In both cases the same linguistic structures are found, right down to the emotional components and tones expressed by each group pursuing their
avocation. Each of these two approaches to the same theme express their particular level of duality. In the first group, the re-creators, we note the language expresses actions, and involvement, and new departures (from the past). In the other expression of this meme, the supporting language is all about absorbing (past lesson/perspectives) into the current view of universe.

Knead to noh!

Each side of the duality seeks, ultimately, to incorporate an accurate understanding (of the past of humans) into a rapidly moving view of humans in currently unfolding universe. This particular theme is very richly dense with nuance as we come to understand just how controlled has been, and is, the flow and quality of information.

This theme, at its core, is the expression of humanity seeking itself. As a species with amnesia, and a rather crudely concocted hoax of a past delivered by the not too bright guards at this 'asylum', it is natural that this need to know expresses itself so persistently, and so diversely. Life, which is to say, universe, will out. It will always win. That which universe seeks to express cannot be long denied by those within material reality. Just as with cartoon dams bursting, what starts as one, small, easily plugged little leak soon is a series of interconnecting cracks in the concrete as each hole is filled with the frantic fingers of the cartoon powers-that-be.

This need to know compels omnihumanity, and each suppressed expression of it just brings more creative, and powerful manifestations. "The Powers That Be" are like the fellow at the dike, shoving digits into holes as fast as he can, yet all that happens is that more holes open up that much faster. To  mind this is frustrating and incomprehensible, but to the human mind, it is yet another, multilevel, fine expression of shibumi. {ed note:}

Conclusion: Harmony challenges, WWTSGWD?

This work is difficult. As with all things in life, and mastery, it was difficult in the beginning due to ignorance of our level of ignorance, and progressed through a brief plateau of 'slightly easier' before once again becoming difficult, though now through awareness of our ignorance. We have become aware that we are ignorant, and what is even far worse, we are now aware that we do not really have a clue as to the depth of our ignorance. We just know that there is so much more to learn that it is useless to try to quantify it.

Ignorance is not evil. Evil is evil. Ignorance is to be overcome, it is but another form of challenge in universe. The old path saying is that to the uninitiated (what we call the sheeple these days), every thing is either a curse or a blessing, while to the fellow on the path, all things are merely challenges. Ignorance is just that, another challenge. Admittedly a BIG ASS challenge that frequently gets lots of people killed, but it is not, in and of itself, evil. Now, as an aside, those who worship ignorance and genial stupidity such as being expressed by Sarah Palin, et al political minions, are living proof that 'ignorance is NOT bliss' as they are both ignorant and riled up.

In my experience, crowds of irritated ignorant people can be really dangerous. Thus the coming months will be very dangerous times.

The real challenge for the fellows on the path of greater universe exploration without exploitation (of other beings)....or what we call the woo-woo path to enlightenment, will be to harmonize with universe over some very rough months ahead. And to navigate our way to pie through some really riled up, pissed off, and none-too-happy, and woefully ignorant people all the while the planet and solar system is blowing off steam and trying to squash, with giant rocks, waves and other disasters, anyone momentarily too distracted by the many other forms of man made imminent death to remember to breathe and dodge. Never mind why the slings and arrows and rocks and waves are trying to kill you...the why question is, as we will all discover very shortly indeed, just no longer pertinent.


As universe moves all of us through the tipping point period of November and into the months of very expressive, emotionally releasing language that follows, I predict that the most often asked question, in the wu-jo and out, will be 'where is it safe?'....

....the correct answer to the 'safe place question' is 'everywhere, anywhere, here, and nowhere'. Since safety is personally defined and very subjective,
everywhere is safe for you until it isn't; then anywhere not here may be safe for you, but for how long?; and of course, here is where you are safe, now; and ultimately nowhere is safe as all things mortal will perish... or as we say here at HalfPastHuman.... "no one gets out of this world alive".

The second most asked question will likely be 'how bad will it get?'...again, this is entirely subjective so no answer will really satisfy nor could it until after the fact. The plain answer is that we do not have a definitive answer, but at least we are able to predict that most (around 97%) of the planetary populace is likely to ask the question over this next year as they ponder universe slapping them upside the head and ask "how bad will it get?".

Neither of those are good questions. The really good question...the one that packs the most promise, and the one rarely asked, but that really gets monkey mind to whirling in speculative, nut grabbing frenzy, the one that is prefaced by the midst of these staggering global changes including the total change of the planetary humanity power structure and the death of the dollar as a funding source, as well as the whole alien question heating up to the boiling point, 'what will the shadow government world do?'

Now THAT is a question.   (end of transmission)


PostScript: Meta Data layers...

Meta data layers are linguistic concepts which meet the criteria of 'dominating' the model-space, and being 'fully populated'. By 'dominating model-space' we are referring to these lexical structures appearing in all major entities and some minor.
Further the lexical structure must also be contributing to the 'emotional tension direction' in that it must represent the majority emotional 'force' of the emotional sums at that point in processing. In other words, the lexical structure of a meta data layer, within an entity, must be sympathetic to the general trend of the emotional tension of the entity as a whole, either negative or positive.
Also the meta data layer will be 'fully populated' in a 'correct and complete' fashion. This is geek-speak for having all of the elements within the context at the core of the meta data layer be represented within the entity.
Thus if there are 2000/two-thousand primary element descriptors to 'duality', then the 'duality' aspect is considered to be participating within the formation of a meta data layer in any given entity if it meets the 2/two criteria of 'domination' by its impact on the entities' emotional summations, as well as having all elements of the context for the meta data layer be found serendipitously within the entity.

Meta data layers are not visible within our display. These are dominating aspects/attribute sets which are 'active' or 'rising' within a number of entities, yet the lexical sets are based on the same core set. Further definition for a meta data layer requires that the lexical structure relate back to one of the 'prime emotional sets' within the lexicon.
These are sets which, as a rule, contain lots of bespoke emotion words for aspects and even supporting attribute details. Such words would be 'fear', 'elation', 'confusion', and other words or phrases which can broadly be thought of as describing either an emotion, or a mental state "resulting" from emotional impacts to the human system.
The meta data layers are composed of these sorts of aspect/attributes in their descriptor sets. Further, the same lexical structure, arranged in the same hierarchical fashion must be on a 'rise' in emotional summations within many of the larger entities in order to be considered as a candidate for meta data status.

When we note that a meta data layer is 'going vertical' within an entity, it is a representation that the meta data layer is now driving all of the emotional summations in its primary direction.
The meta data layer first appears within an entity and then is filled, or populated over time.
It then starts cross linking over to other entities which magnifies its impact on the emotional sums within each entity that comes under its influence, as well as also gaining in influence within entities in which it already exists.

When an entity has 1/one or more meta data layers vertical, it means that the lexical structures which thereafter accrue to that entity are interpreted as though being modified by the meta data layers. More Info



